(companion series to the Perpetual Raising)  

PART 1  |  PART 2  |  PART 3  |  PART 4  |  PART 5

Part 5 of 5

           All things in the universe have at their basis, one fundamental essence which governs their creation, destruction and on-going actions.  That singular essence is consciousness, (also known by some as God, or the Unified Field).  Everywhere in Nature does consciousness exist, providing unity and cohesion for all beings.  Since we are beings of Nature, we too not only possess consciousness, but are in fact composed by it.  In meditation we learn that the consciousness within is the same in essence as the consciousness in our environment.  It is due to this fact that all psychic phenomena, synchronicity, synergy and group mind actions are possible.  Governing all consciousness is that which is called Intent, which initiates or sustains every action.  Of second-most importance is Awareness, which focuses where intent directs.  Finally, Energy serves as the raw material, (particularly at the sub-atomic particle level) wherein Awareness enters to create new patterns, (morphic fields) according to Intended parameters. 

            Meditation also reveals that we have within our power the ability to direct Intent, (and therefore Awareness and Energy) at will.  The greater mastery of Intent is therefore the greater mastery of all aspects of life, so long as we exercise the will to improve. We may even raise our level of intent, thereby entering progressively higher plateaus of being.  This is the act of Intent transforming itself!  This act is known as intentional self evolution.  We may Intend into place ever higher levels of consciousness within ourselves.  Because of our unity in consciousness with the world, we may also Intend into place a higher World Mind, (collective consciousness, together).  As mentioned in the Perpetual Raising series, there are six major avenues to accomplish this, as determined by Natural and Spiritual Law.  Any of these six may be Intended into higher levels in the self, (such as greater love and clarity for instance) and without ultimate limit.  When this is done in the self to a certain minimum extent, the result is Mastery.  When it is done on a world-wide level to a certain minimum extent, the result is World Enlightenment.  Through such means we may literally fashion ourselves into a species of spiritual masters…a planet of Buddhas and Christs that can be the glory of the galaxy.  Through Intent we may Manifest World Enlightenment.

            Any of the six consciousness-expanding focuses, may be used to raise both the Earth and World Minds.  Greater clarity, higher vibration, (love) and energy levels, right alignment, (with God/Nature/soul) spiritual will, (right Intent/action) and expansion, can all be used effectively to aid Earth consciousness.  This may be accomplished in any local area, forest, region or planet-wide, depending upon one’s preference and ability.  Generally speaking, it is easier to raise, (Intend into place) the consciousness of a local area, than to significantly raise the entire planetary body. Likewise, it is easier to raise one’s own consciousness than to raise a local area.  Larger area “broadcasts” of love and clarity however, render greater psychic feedback to the meditator or group.  It is up to each individual to gauge the extent of their effective psychic broadcast at any given moment, just as an athlete takes into account their current level of physical fitness. Let feeling be a guide in this regard. As inner feelings elevate, know that you have “Intended”, (manifest) successfully. Hovever, like the physical athlete the psychic practitioner is well advised to constantly push the limits of their psychic endurance and strength, and thereby gain greater ability.  Be persistent in your casting of such Intentions as love and clarity to the environment!

The functioning of the chakras can often be likened to that of muscle groups, in that they “enlarge” and strengthen through use.  It is wise then, for the beginning meditator to practice manifesting positive intentions into the environment on a small scale.  After a short time they may then attempt larger scale projections, of the six consciousness-raising intentions noted above.  Groups of meditators though, need not be so conservative in the scope of their projected Intent.  Due to the group mind principle, a cohesive group is very much like a greater being unto itself, with much higher potentials than the mere addition of like minds.  Intentionally formed group minds  have collective spiritual abilities which surpass the comprehension of the large majority of participants. This is a major value of group meditation. Such group-empowered spiritual abilities, allow meditators to manifest very powerful psychic influences upon a much larger scope, than the individual alone.

  Each of the six consciousness expanding Intentions, act to create useful, spiritual manifestations in the fields at large.  This is particularly true of meditations which focus upon Earth Mind raising.  Our very purpose as beings of the Earth, and as the products of natural law/history, is to coordinate and raise the Earth through our well-focused Intent. Individuals and groups are again encouraged to experiment with the use of various projected Intents of a progressive nature, for the good of this planet.  The varying psychic results, (feedback) which occurs as a result will fascinate the meditator as to their depth and startling implications.  Practitioners will find that the Earth Mind is a far more receptive and responsive group mind than is the World Mind of humanity. The openness, flexibility, high vibration and most of all, positive Intent of the Earth, makes it an excellent ally in spiritual endeavors of all kinds.  The Earth retains the natural intelligence and wisdom of which humanity was formerly a part.  It thus remains as one of the foremost guides for right action, right Intent and right living in general.

            As a collective mind however, the Earth is not as powerful or as balanced as it used to be.  In the past several centuries of deforestation and species extinction, brought about by an imbalanced humanity, the Earth Mind has suffered great losses in its ability to regulate itself in a cohesive manner.  The forests and extinct life-forms, which once acted to fill out the psychic feeling-spectrums of nature, and which contributed to its collective intelligence, are now seriously depleted.  This condition is analogous to a given human being losing say, a fourth of their brain cells, resulting in a noticeable depletion of manifest intelligence and capability.  A reckless humanity has forgotten the more important value of the natural world, and has wrongly viewed the forests and oceans as merely reservoirs of material “resources”.  This is a serious error in judgment.  The primary value of life is not in its material composition, but its psychic and spiritual contribution to the collective consciousness planet-wide. The real truth of the matter is that humanity as a species, is a “resource” for Natural Intelligence, so that It may expand Itself.  By destroying the balance of nature, we are implicitly destroying our own inner balance.  The surrounding ocean of consciousness keeps us intimately interconnected with the condition of the Earth.  We are a part of nature inseparably and unavoidably due to its universal laws, and sooner or later we must acknowledge this fact or fail as a species.  The projection of the strengthening qualities of love, clarity, right alignment, spiritual will and increased chi, are very much needed by the Earth at this time.  As these elements are Intended into place by practitioners around the world, the Earth Mind is allowed a better opportunity for efficient self regulation and conscious evolution.  The environmental imbalances we see today are not simply of physical origin. They are also a result of a decay of Earth consciousness, particularly because of chaotic World Mind influences and deforestation.  Practitioners may act to reverse these psychic trends,  (which are primarily composed of pain and fear) thereby offsetting much of the destructive karma of humanity.

            Practitioners may commune with natural areas, thereby receiving benefit from them through the use of thoughtforms, and a knowledge of consciousness.  They may in turn, also do much benefit for nature by Intending into place valuable qualities of consciousness, such as love and clarity.  In so doing they fulfill the true purpose of humanity as Earth Stewards, contributing directly to the welfare of the planet.  Practitioners become the coordinators and overseers of the (unified) fields at large in our world, ensuring that only the highest and most progressive Intentions are manifest. In this way, the meditator becomes an agent of Divine Intention, and evolutionary progress.

The following recommendations are just a few examples of how practitioners may send and receive psychic benefits, to and from the Earth.


             The practitioner should first enter a state of Awareness of Awareness, (see Advanced Chakra meditation in The Perpetual Raising) as a preliminary for spiritual work with the Earth.  This state will allow direct contact with the Awareness and Intent of the planet, as well as the greater ability to channel Earth chi.  Such a state is without thought…the mind is instead focused on the Focuser Within. After achieving Awareness of Awareness in a quiet place, preferably one that is in nature itself, the meditator may employ any number of thoughtforms which are effective in Earth Mind interactions. In the case of communing with natural areas to receive their benefits, the meditator may visualize the region or area they are in as if seen from above.  While maintaining this image, (which need not be technically accurate) see it shrink to about the size of the body.  With the image of the region thus reduced, visualize it superimposing and merging with the your own body and mind.  Use the Intent that this image will make a strong psychic connection with the surrounding natural area, and all of the plants and animals therein.  Intend that the natural energy, awareness and Intent of that region, enter into the body/mind as a result.   Maintain this image superimposed over the body for at least 15 more minutes, in addition to a preliminary awareness of awareness meditation.  Then, wait quietly in a state of centered clarity, for information and/or altered states of consciousness to make themselves apparent.  If you wait patiently in a stillness of mind, spiritual revelations will show themselves as intuitive flashes of insight. There will also be unusual feelings and energies running through the body on occasion. Just be receptive to these.  In most cases, the messages received from the natural consciousness at large, will be simple, direct and self-explanatory.  Embodiment of such information will increase the practitioners’ wisdom, strengthen the body and clarify the mind.

             A variation of this “communing” exercise is to visualize oneself as a part of an ocean of Energy, as one center of consciousness among many.  Visualize this ocean stretching outward for tens, or even hundreds of miles in all directions, as it connects you with animals, trees and other forms of nature.  Expand your feelings and awareness out into this ocean, (particularly those of love and clarity).  Wait with a quiet mind in Awareness of Awareness, for whatever knowledge and states of consciousness are sent back to you from the Earth Mind.  After a few minutes expand your feelings and awareness again, out into the visualized ocean of Energy.  [Note; It helps to take a deep in-breath before every expansion, in the manner of the Chi Gaining Meditation, (see the Perpetual Raising).  With each in-breath, visualize lightning bolts entering the feet and accumulating in the body as an ever-brightening glow.  This will increase your level of chi, and make all efforts for the outward expansion of your feelings and awareness, far more effective.]  Again passively wait for incoming results, while in a state of Awareness of Awareness.  Repeat this procedure for as long as desired, and be receptive to the inputs so received.  Seek to understand and apply received information and states of consciousness.  Messages will not usually come in the form of words, but rather, feelings and images in association with “intuitive knowledge packets”.  These “information packages” sometimes contain huge amounts of information, or just simple “advice”.  [See The Earth Mind Material in the WMS Library ] It is up to the practitioner to decipher these messages from the Earth Mind, into a practical, crystallized form.  This can be a lengthy process, shortened only by living in accord with natural law, a simple lifestyle and further meditations.  It is also useful to write these impressions down soon after they are received.

            Always remember that the Earth Mind is a functional and wise collective consciousness.  It has its own Intent, Awareness and Energy as a planetary system.  It is aware of many things, which the majority of humanity would never suspect.  Although this Awareness is of the same essence as that found in the human being and in all other places in the universe, it does not function in exactly the same manner as human consciousness. The ant also possesses Intent and Awareness, but it would be equally inaccurate to say that an insect’s consciousness functions according to the same parameters as the human being.  The more evolved a system of consciousness is, the more sophisticated are its functions, even though it is based on the same universal constants of Energy, Awareness and Intent. The Earth Mind is in most ways, a collective consciousness which functions in modes that are far more sophisticated than any one human being.  It has “motive” and purpose just as we do, and yet we must be careful not to personify the Earth.  It is by no means comparable to a human mind, any more than an ant’s consciousness is, at the other end of the spectrum of sophistication. Although the Earth Mind is currently off balance, it is never the less an intelligence vast and ancient, one that is primarily responsible for our very existence. 

             It can realistically be said that Earth Mind consciousness is the local presence of God.  The Earth is a place where Universal Intent continues to be intelligently carried out.  Native peoples worldwide have always recognized this, and treat the Earth as a sacred Being accordingly.  Any planetary or stellar body possesses consciousness in fact, as do all life forms.  This planetary body upon which we live though, has a very enriched consciousness, because of the diversity of life present here for eons.  This intelligent Earth can be our advisor if we choose to listen to its council.  Its advice to us contains the messages of union with nature, and the re-adoption of natural ways, so that we may regain the depth and wisdom our species once possessed.  The Earth Mind message is that of God and our own souls, of love and oneness with the consciousness at large, and also ways to achieve Mastery. By embodying such messages we adopt right living.  It is the same one advocated by the spiritual Masters of all time, and this is no mere coincidence.

            The Earth Mind plays a very critical role in our lives, though this has been largely forgotten by society.  It is fully capable of supporting or withdrawing its support, from any person or group of persons, depending on the Intent they employ.  Earth Mind support comes in the form of increased Energy, enriched Awareness, and the realization of how to employ higher levels of Intent.  Thus the Earth “seeks” to enhance those persons who employ appropriate spiritual Intent, one that benefits all people and Nature alike.  Practitioners should seek to gain Earth Mind support and maintain it, as they would a valued friend and trusted advisor.   To gain the Earth’s support, the employment of natural Intentions, (carried out through the recognition that Nature is an intelligent force with its own higher ends) is a good place to start. 

            The practitioner should also keep in mind that the purpose of life and of humanity, is the expansion of consciousness.  One of the few things of real value to the Earth Mind, is the continued survival of the full spectrum of species in dynamic harmony.  This is so because every life form emanates a unique psychic signature of feeling and awareness states. Each species thus enriches the Earth and World Minds, so as to facilitate the evolution of consciousness.  Also important to the Earth Mind, like all centers of consciousness, are those states of being which are progressive.  Love, clarity, and those states enhanced by right alignment, as well as greater levels of chi and spiritual will, are all inherently valuable to the planet and the universe in general.  These aspects of consciousness expansion are also of primary value to any soul as well.  It is apparent that what our own souls value, has a great deal in common with the Intentions of the Earth Mind.  This is predictable since both are composed of consciousness.  Both exist in accord with the natural laws of the universe, (also known by some as the Will of God).

            As the practitioner raises their own level of consciousness, their value to Nature and the Earth Mind increases accordingly.  Those who embody greater and greater levels of love and clarity for instance, progressively gain states of being that do real benefit for this planet.  The benefits of love and clarity are rendered simply by their continued presence.  By embodying these states of consciousness, we act to further the aims evolution (the course of natural history).  By expanding personal consciousness, we literally fulfill not only human evolution, but also planetary and cosmic evolution. Our success as evolving beings is in some noteworthy measure, also the success of the entire planetary Mind upon which we live. Thus the Earth Mind “desires’ or “Intends” that we succeed in this endeavor, and it will support anyone who supports this cause.  This is what is called “gaining the support of nature”, and it is accomplished by carrying out the aims of natural law/design.  To work for the cause of evolution, by expanding personal and collective consciousness, is to gain the Earth as a personal ally.  So long as we work for this cause it will continue to support us. 

We have only begun to realize the potentials of benefiting each other through group mind action.  To a much lesser extent, does our society realize the benefits and implications of working with Earth Mind consciousness.  By acting on behalf of spiritual purposes, we develop a deeper and deeper relationship with the Earth on a direct basis, for it is aware of our effects and Intents.  To Intentionally work with Earth consciousness, develops our relationship with it at a very accelerated rate.

            Keeping the above in mind, the practitioner may begin a meditational session of any focus, with the ultimate Intention of working with Earth consciousness. Regardless of specific differences in personal meditational practice, all expansions of consciousness are of value to the Earth Mind and the World Mind alike.  All gains made through spiritual practice of any type, are of value to our race, our planet and each other.  In essence, specific techniques are ultimately irrelevant.  Only progressive, spiritual Intent creates the needed planetary changes.  Realize this and make full use of the fact, for it is extremely important.  


            Whenever we enter useful states of consciousness through meditation, prayer, contemplation, in friendship or a loving relationship, we then have the immediate opportunity to employ them for the benefit of the world.  Whenever we feel love, we may then project this state to the world, by immediately expanding it into the environment.  [Visualizations will add potency to such projections, by giving the outgoing spiritual Intent a specific structure through which to manifest itself.]  FEEL love expand away from you, throughout your body. Just as we can project/visualize feelings of love and respect to people we care about, we can in exactly the same way, project love and respect for the Earth as a whole. When we consistently engage in this practice, we become Earth Stewards, whose spiritual privilege it is to carry out the Will of God in nature.

            Whenever you enter a notably positive state of mind, of inspiration, good will, love, clarity, or spiritual Intent of any kind, try taking that opportunity to immediately project that state/Intent to the entire Earth.  Notice the results with a quiet mind.  Use the four steps in the manifestation of Intent, to create consciousness-expanding benefit whenever possible.  Experiment with this process and discover incredible beauty, knowledge and ability in return.  The Earthmind Material http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest contained in the WMS Library, was obtained through a receptivity to Earth consciousness, using such methods as noted above.  Any person or group may similarly gain much useful information, through quiet attentiveness to natural areas.   

             Times of extreme change and transformation are upon us all.  Many people will be driven to desperation and crisis, and will begin to seriously question the validity of current social assumptions.  This will seem to be a time of world calamity, and on the material level of the Earth, it is.  On the other hand, it is also a time of great opportunity for our kind, to finally make the right decisions regarding the spiritual purpose of life.  Those of us who seek the betterment of our species, as well as ourselves in alignment with Universal purposes, may take this opportunity to present an entirely different view of life to the public, than what materialism has offered.  It is during this period of crisis that the spiritual voice will be most distinctly heard.  Through the practices of consciousness expansion and the right use of the group mind principle, we may establish a new social paradigm, whose sole objective is the reformation of world consciousness.  This is our privilege as the carriers of the Knowledge of All Time, whose essential Truth may be witnessed by anyone who looks within. 

            We must rely upon our mutual strength, to carry out the spiritual mission of world consciousness transformation.  No one person may accomplish this task alone.  We must learn to work together to build a new world, where love and clarity are the daily norms to be expected in all social circles. This is especially true of the psychic level of social relations. To this end many meditational groups must form themselves, so as to best employ the potentials of group consciousness. We must “raise the world” through our mutual psychic influence and Intent.  The continued formation of communities around the world dedicated to this purpose, is also very desirable.  Such communities can facilitate an intensive spiritual focus, through very stable group mind action.  Through these spiritual centers we are creating points of light around the globe, which will act as beacons for those who seek self realization and spiritual knowledge.  May all the brothers and sisters of this work find complete fulfillment in their quest.  May the World Mind be transformed, and the Earth Mind healed, according to COSMIC INTENT… 

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com 

The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest 



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