(companion series to the Perpetual Raising)  

PART 1  |  PART 2  |  PART 3  |  PART 4  |  PART 5

Part 2 of 5

         When thoughts are replaced by silence in the mind, perception arises. It is a part of the modern condition wherein the mind of humanity is constantly overwhelmed, by a million considerations and thoughts. In acquiring silence, the mind is enabled to get out of the way of spiritual progress, and in so doing observes the Universal Consciousness of which we are composed.  Silent self awareness returns us to our natural state of being, and the natural state has little to do with modern chaos. By calming the inner world,  the Mastery of personal Energy, well focused Awareness, and natural Intent is progressively gained.  Meditation shows us that these Universal Three compose every aspect of nature and humanity.  By recognizing the truth of self as consciousness, we also perceive others as kindred souls.  In calm perception we understand nature as a source for spiritual regeneration. Such realization causes the seeker of spiritual revelation to exclaim, “I AM THAT”, in a direct perception of the unity of self with the cosmos.  Through self discovery, the seeker becomes a Knower of Truth.   Through the daily application of Truth, the Knower becomes a conscious Creator.  As self-aware creators we radiate uplifting effects, as a beacon of light in the darkness of world illusion.  The self realized are a source for spiritual regeneration set in motion, everywhere upon the globe.

 In self knowledge then, we learn that our true identity is soul.  Soul is consciousness itself.  In meditation or prayer, it is also learned that we are a part of that which is called “God”.  God is also Consciousness Itself.  Thus, “soul”, “God”, and “consciousness” are fundamentally synonymous terms.  They all are aspects of Truth, deriving their existence from the same universal basis. To Realize ones’ self, God and Nature, AS CONSCIOUSNESS, (I AM THAT) is thus a significant spiritual event.  Equally significant is to realize the exact nature of the consciousness within and without. Very simply, Consciousness is composed of Intent, Awareness and Energy, and each of these may be readily identified in the self.  Each is a concrete and practical element of self and universe, at its most fundamental level.  The energy within is sensed as that level of vitality and strength flowing through the body, (also known as “chi” or “ki”). Awareness is noticed as that agency of “seeingness” or “the watcher” behind all thoughts, emotions and daily circumstance.   It is “that which looks” through all of the senses and yet is more than any one of them. Intent is seen as that aspect of self that changes our course of action.  This happens at the very second any decision is made.  When we understand the presence of these three within, our ability to CREATE is increased beyond measure, since this trinity of consciousness is the source of all Creation.  Through the realization of self as consciousness, we can consciously direct energy, and focus awareness into any pattern desired, (visualization/thoughtform creation).  We may also direct Intent in such a way as to build enlightenment itself, and any other progressive quality in life that we wish.  In this way our thoughts, inspiration and willpower are turned from the mundane focus of material gain, to the high responsibilities and privileges of Cosmic Citizenship, as conscious beings.  With the truthful view of self as consciousness, we may transform the world to any level of bliss, peace and enlightenment.

              The practitioner is compelled by the very forces of evolution, to carry on the work of creating a more enlightened self.  As consciousness expands, so too does the perceived need to improve the world condition.  The essential fact of Unity becomes not only an intellectual truth, but a felt reality which one is compelled to address.  The desire to improve the consciousness of the World Mind, or collective consciousness of humanity, becomes indistinguishable from the desire to raise personal or group consciousness. To raise ones’ self to new levels of love, clarity, energy and Divine connection, is to become inevitably involved with the raising of world consciousness as well.  Fortunately, with the expansion of personal consciousness, comes the enhanced ability to expand the consciousness of the world.

The power of the individual mind to directly contribute to the condition of the world, increases cumulatively over time and progressive Intent. Of particular usefulness is our Intention to Perpetually Raise our consciousness, in order to become what is known as a spiritual “Master”.  Through the Intent of spiritual gain, the Master gradually arises from the ranks of those who imagine material goals to be the purpose of life.  In so doing they shed the light of Truth, on a world which would otherwise be plagued by the shadows of self-destructive acquisition.

            The Master knows the power that their thoughts have on other body/minds.  They know that when personal Awareness focuses on any given thing or person, immediate shifts of energy and pattern begin to arise therein.  They understand that Intent is the determiner and shaper of our collective destiny, one that is not written in stone, but which changes according to the applied wisdom of the people. 

            As the individual evolves, personal Intent proceeds from the arbitrary smallness of ego, to a spiritual force of world changing potential.  The force of the human spirit is then wielded for the sake of Divine and Evolutionary Will, in the benefit of all nations.  Through self awareness as souls, we manifest a greater world through the instrumentality of the body.  Similarly, the mind also becomes the vehicle for soulic expression, and therefore spiritual ministry, (the conveyance of Truth to others). This is especially true of the soul that has fully realized its own nature, as consciousness, while still in a physical body. 

          The soulic, or consciousness-oriented view of worldly events, imparts deep and factual lessons upon the spiritually-minded. The truth that is directly perceived by the soul, is known by every earnest seeker, natural person and small child.  This is the perspective of clarity and intuitive genius.  It is the spontaneous and natural love of innocence and purity of Intention. The uncomplicated view of self-as-spirit, offers clear insight into the social challenges of our day. From this clarified view we can easily see the nature of the problems which face humanity.  In clarity we also see the fundamental source of human suffering.  It is not difficult to perceive that the foremost cause of world problems today, is the wholesale disregard of natural and spiritual laws.  The lack of honesty about what is true and life-affirmative is the modern bane. In an imbalanced, collective focus upon materialism, society has forgotten the fact that life is about spiritual progression.  We are an indivisible part of the process of evolution! Evolution is a spiritual progression! What we find today instead of an evolutionary focus however, is grossly exaggerated material accumulation.  The quest for money above all other things, is carried out purely for the sake of egotism. Such Intentions run contrary to what has been called the “conscience”, or in other words, the voice and knowledge of the soul. Our souls know that spirituality and human evolution must go hand in hand.  We must evolve to survive, and to evolve we must adopt spiritual priorities as our primary collective focus.  The unnecessary accumulation of material things can never satisfy. This fact must be reflected as a matter of lifestyle, and not just political speeches or convenient application.

The main avenue for spiritual growth and all evolution, is the expansion of consciousness.  Through an applied knowledge of consciousness, we contribute to the collective evolution of humanity, and not just the self.  Through meditation and the wise employment of Intent, we greatly accelerate true progress by fulfilling the goals of natural law.  Our species is at a critical decision point between materialism and spiritual evolution. Making this decision cannot be delayed indefinitely. The time of the Great Transformation is at hand.  We will either destroy ourselves through our own misguided works, or we will align our spirits in spiritual progress, and manifest a world of beauty and inspiration in the Natural Divine.

We may achieve true fulfillment not through worldly travel, nor monetary gain.  Humanity already posseses the material means to prosper. We will evolve into beings of great ability and wisdom, only through the expansion of consciousness, not the revision of devices or ideologies.  There can be no lasting political solutions, for the current problems of the world.  It is not a revolution in governmental policy which is now needed.  Our greatest need as a species is not new political parties, social orders or technological applications.  The foundations of these will still be built upon the same consciousness of selfish concern, if the inner focus of the public is not first shifted.  We will only reach the “Promised Land” through a change of our own inner condition, which is itself the very creator of the outer world and all social forms.  Only through the expansion of consciousness can we realistically hope to employ the wisdom necessary for right living, rather than wanton destruction.  Every state of consciousness is sustained by an underlying Intent.  Thus, every act is based upon a given motivation, which is its cause. It is motive and cause we must address, not form and symptom.  Our very survival as a species depends on whether or not we recognize this distinction of cause as contrasted to effect, (karma). The ultimate motive and cause of all things, including human society and individual achievement, is based squarely upon the INTENT employed every moment.  Intent is the determiner of how consciousness functions, and consciousness is the basis of all manifestation. The raising of our consciousness or Intent, is therefore of supreme importance to the survival and further evolution of our species. 

            Through the expansion of personal consciousness, there arises the greater willingness to join our forces of creation with others, in mutual good will.  The love that arises within desires to be shared.  The seed of the fruits of clarity, has a drive to be planted in other minds. It may be said then, that spiritual ministry is in large part simply the spontaneous desire to propagate Truth, and for its own sake.

There are many different though complimentary aspects to consciousness expansion.  All  of these are the existing parameters of evolutionary growth, already held by Natural Law long before the arrival of Homo Sapiens. These aspects can be reduced to the basic six Intentions which are described by the Perpetual Raising and GM series, (see the WMS Library at http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest).  The six are greater vibration, more crystallized clarity, higher levels of energy, increased right alignment with God/Soul/Nature, the expansion of positive Intent, and increased right intent/action in the cultivation of stronger spiritual will.

 Higher personal vibration lends itself to a harmony of positive feelings, and collective co-creation.  It is the flowing of sweet love throughout all living and evolving beings. Greater clarity gives us the ability to See Truth for what it is, and cut through the falsehoods of media and cultural conditioning.  It allows us to know the real cause behind the sufferings and motives of our fellow human beings.  Clarity results in an enhanced vision into the laws of nature, and the solutions to which society may apply itself, to cure the collective cancers of fear and political division.  Higher energy levels are experienced as we focus our psychic power not upon competitiveness, but upon mutual upliftment.  As we learn to share our psychic energies with each other, they are greatly magnified and mutually empowered.  In right alignment with the soul, and with God and Nature, we stay in tune with the designs of Cosmic origin.  Cosmic designs will always be superior to human-made laws.  By staying in right alignment, we insure that the steps of change taken together, are those which are of the highest evolutionary benefit for all.  In right action/Intent, we create those spiritual conditions of mutual living most conducive to the true progress of our kind.  This may also be called the maintaining of spiritual will, and the drive to align with each other in the spirit of mutual growth.  In expansion is found a means through which love, clarity and other useful Intentions, may be spread throughout the world to inoculate the body of humanity, against the dis-ease of fear.   These six highlighted focuses above are the very essence of paradise re-gained, whereby we may expand our personal and collective consciousness.  They may all be employed on a personal, group and worldwide basis.

Through the wise use of these six elements does the light of Truth grow bright, throwing back the clouds of despair, and bringing the warmth of a new age of enlightenment for our kind.  This enlightenment will be unlike anything ever known in the past 45 centuries.  One person with this knowledge can do much to bring about change, especially at the local level of home and neighborhood. “Doing” in this context primarily involves the projection and holding of consciousness raising intentions for others.  Ten minds in spiritual unison, (meditation/group mind) may redirect the consciousness of an entire city into more uplifting states.  One hundred meditators through the combined force of their Intent may uplift a whole region, whereas a thousand or more motivated spiritual practitioners, may well raise world consciousness, like a great wave of relief upon a parched land.  Well-directed group mind force, (which employs the six Intentions above) is a major key in the creation of a more evolved era for this planet.  We can use this force of mutual consciousness today, to unlock our true potentials, as self aware centers of consciousness.

             The WMS article entitled; “The Perpetual Raising” discusses the Intentional formation of group minds, for this purpose of self, group and world enlightenment. It emphasizes the potentials and practices involved with the mutual use of Intent.  Through such universal knowledge, we may raise the level of consciousness of all those gathered together in spiritual focus.  In group meditation/prayer, each practitioner learns for themselves the experiential benefits of group mind action.  They learn the potentials of what an Intentionally formed group mind can do, to change the psychic conditions of fear and pain in the surrounding fields of consciousness.

            Through unified field principles, (such as the resonance of feeling and thought, person to person) psychic connectedness is a familiar fact of everyday existence.  However, it is fact of life we are “normally” not consciously aware of, because of the influences of the present materialistic culture.  When this experiential knowledge arises fully in the individual, the inspiration to act for the well being of group and world gains momentum.  This happens when we realize the considerable impact our thoughts, feelings and states of consciousness have on others.  Such psychic effects occur, each and every time we socially interact. Even the thought of someone who is clear across the world, renders psychic effects upon them that should not be underestimated. With each effect we create in the consciousness of those surrounding us, there is an underlying intent involved. Through the right use of such Intent, we can reconnect our lives with the aims of Nature, Soul and God, taking up the work of the Masters of all ages willingly, and with relish.  There is no greater purpose in life than this, nor any source of greater satisfaction and fulfillment.

            Groups of practitioners may therefore meet, with the specific aim of raising world consciousness.  This practice is similar to the process of group consciousness expansion, as described in The Perpetual Raising.  The employment of group Intent for this purpose, is not unlike the Intent employed by a Master, (such as a Christ, Buddha or Lao Tzu) in the improvement of the human condition.  Through the combination of individual Intents, the group mind principle of nature comes into play.  It renders the geometrically greater psychic effects of many minds in spiritual accord. Through such psychic and spiritual knowledge, group focus may be used to co-create world-enlightening effects, just as the spiritual Masters of history have been known to do.  This is not the creation of “miracles” however, but simply the practical and mutual engagement of natural laws.  By employing the four steps in the Manifestation of Intent on a joint basis, strong psychic currents are generated, which impact the fields of consciousness at large.  Mutually focused Intent reinforces itself over and over again. The Intent of mutual love for instance, can be rendered worldwide, just as it can be manifest mutually.  Mutually held feelings of love will automatically extend themselves to some degree, to any area  jointly or individually visualized.  In fact, any time we visualize anything, this mental picture starts to change environmental energies according to the Intent behind it.  This is the basic essence of what a thoughtform is, and how it functions.  When mutual love is held and visualized, shifts of consciousness within all persons in that area, be it a neighborhood or the entire planet, immediately begin to manifest, (to a variable degree and depending on current psychic conditions).

 Knowledge of intent also strengthens our psychic projections. A review of the four steps for the manifestation of Intent, is as follows;

Let us first review these steps on a personal basis;


(for rendering personal change)

1) Be aware of your current state of body/mind, (this is accomplished through meditation).

2) Gain familiarity with that which is to be Intended, (such as a higher love and clarity) and the Intent to be acted upon is crystallized.

3) The desired state is held steady in the mind, (for at least 5 minutes). Visualize and feel this state as if it already exists, until the body/mind shifts into it.

4) The desired state is "held in place" throughout the body, (or a given chakra). This new state is maintained by treating it as the new reality of the self on a permanent basis.

Subsequent applications of the above four-step process render cumulative results, so please be persistent!

Through these four steps we can raise our degree of personal love, clarity, energy, spiritual will, expansion, and right alignment to any degree, thereby progressively becoming “Masters”. 

Now compare the above to the below four steps for, “Raising the World”: 



1) Be aware of the current state of World Mind, (this is accomplished through meditation, and a body-wide sensitivity to the feelings/Intent currently traveling around the globe.  Just visualize the world and FEEL.

2) Gain familiarity with that which is to be Intended around the world, (such as a higher love and clarity) and the Intent to be acted upon is crystallized.

3)  The desired result and state is held steady in the body/mind, as though it already exists.  The meditator superimposes the visualized result of higher world consciousness, upon the existing World Mind.  Our focused Awareness acts to Create external psychic changes, by providing environmental energies with a pattern to crystallize around.  [In this way our awareness may be compared to the lines of force exerted by a magnet upon iron filings] A re-patterning of global consciousness, in accord with personal, (or group) Intent, then begins to take effect. This initiates psychic changes in the nations of the world, first at the unified field, (subatomic) level of existence, and then subsequently at the material level of social policy. Awareness extends outward from the self, (or selves) into the environment, and according to ones’ visualized Intent. It causes the Energy there to conform to the desired changes. To accomplish this step in raising the world consciousness, the entire Earth is visualized.  Also pictured is “the light of change”, which manifests positive Intent, (described hereafter).

4)      The desired result and state is "Intended into place", (and held there).  The new pattern of consciousness, generated through focused Awareness at the direction of Intent, is now made manifest.   This new level of love, clarity or other desired Intention is then stabilized, by treating it as the new reality of the World Mind.  Psychic changes created in these four steps, are Intended into place as a lasting benefit for all of humanity, and/or for the Earth itself.   

Subsequent applications of the above four-step process render cumulative results, so please be persistent!  Each time we have a group meditation, it stabilizes the Intent of greater world enlightenment in progressive increments!

Through these four steps we can raise the planetary degree of love, clarity, energy, spiritual will, expansion, and right alignment to any extent we are so willed, thereby becoming more evolved as a conscious species. 

            Groups may gather at any time and follow the above steps, when endeavoring to create  environmental change.  One could call this, “intentional unified field modification” or simply “casting”, as in the casting of a “spiritual spell”. The raising of world consciousness represents a very high level of spiritual Intent.  Its employment by an individual using the above four steps, (through determined and progressive Intent) is of powerful benefit.  But when such a focus is the subject of Group, (mind) Intent, the effects rendered are geometrically multiplied many times over, due to the right use of several natural laws.   It is recommended that groups who endeavor to raise the World Mind in this way, use the six elements of consciousness expansion as their primary focus.  This simplifies, streamlines and unites the Intent of each individual practitioner in concert with all others present, and throughout the world.  These six are also inherently potent, making their use very desirable.  Thus, the world consciousness may be expanded meditationally via; 

1)      Greater group clarity, (Awareness of Awareness)…as Created by the psychic specialists known as Visionaries  *. 

2)      Higher group vibration, (love)…as Created by the psychic specialists known as Purifiers  *. 

3)   Increased group Energy, (chi)…as Created by the psychic specialists known as Energizers  *. 

4)      Increased right alignment, (rapport with God/Universal Intelligence)…as Created by psychic specialists known as Channelers  *. 

5)  Implemented right action/Intent, (spiritual progressiveness or will)…as Created by psychic specialists known as Motivators  *. 

6)   Greater expansion, (of any mindstate or Intent over a greater geographical area)…as Created by psychic specialists known as Manifestors  *. 

·         Descriptions of all of the psychic specialists noted above, can be found in the Perpetual Raising series, which also describes group mind action in detail.  Look in the World Mind Society Library at http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest

 Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com


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