(GM Series #8)

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The science of physics is delving ever nearer to Cause in nature, and away from a fascination with the mechanics of effect.  In a technical way, wisdom is thus being approached by the Western mind.  Scientific statements are becoming more like those of the mystics and writers of ancient scriptural texts,  than those of dry, mechanical process.  This fact is one hint that our race is readying itself for greater things,  to go beyond linear conceptual models of self and universe.  It is ready to break free of the boundaries of artificial concepts and the unnatural mind, into the essential fact of unity.  This same knowledge is made evident through introspection, and the instrumentality of the sophisticated human nervous system.  Every experienced meditator experiences unity at some point in their practice.

Through experimentation and analysis, Western physics is now learning what was, (and is) considered commonplace knowledge within the ancient practices of the East.  It may be said that the left or "rational brain" of the Western World Mind, is now becoming more capable of merging with the right or "holistic brain" of the Eastern World Mind.  As these two "hemispheres of the collective brain" of humanity merge, a new wisdom arises from the old world order. Western technique clarifies Eastern concepts, making them more accessible in a diversity of ways.  Eastern introspection unifies Western concepts, making them coherent.  It provides the needed framework of overall Cause, to the Western collection of rigorously studied effects.  The successful merger of the best of these two elements in human thought, will inevitably result in higher self realization worldwide.  This is where a greater balance in all world paradigms can be achieved.

The underlying Cause that is consciousness in all of nature, also underlies the human being.  The universal macrocosm is governed by the same essence of Energy, Awareness and Intent, as is the human microcosm.  This primary, natural fact of human existence is discovered by the spiritual seeker, regardless of the prevailing culture or time.  The consciousness within, the "Inherent Buddha Nature", or the "Christ Consciousness" underlying the superficial layer of personality, is none other than the soul. Just as the terms "God" and "Consciousness" are synonymous at the level of the macrocosm, so too are "soul" and "consciousness" at the level of the human microcosm.  Gaining an attunement to this true self is a primary focus in the practices of meditation, contemplation, physical and mental purification.  This Self is the one which possesses wisdom and connection to Wisdom.  When we transcend all cultures, all times and inhibiting conceptual barriers, it is then that the seeker of Truth is rewarded with none other than a complete return to soul.  The soul, (consciousness) is "That which Watches and Moves"  behind all thoughts, feelings and actions in the life of a human being.

This Watcher and Mover within, survives physical death with calm self assurance, just as the physical body shrugs off a change of clothes.  This traveler of lifetimes calls no one life its own.  Each is seen as yet another passing phase in a long process of discovery.  Without particular attachment, it views each physical existence as simply a single set of experiences,  just as the personality/ego may view the passing of a given calendar week as having only limited importance.  Only the highlights of memory are retained by our minds with regard to the events of a given week, month or year.  The vast majority of perceptions in our daily lives therefore do not last, for they are not useful memories.  Most are subsequently dismissed.  So it is for the soul, while it oversees the events of  a given life.  Each incarnation taken by the soul, (and there have been a great many) is but a single link of physical experience in a very long chain of experiences.  Only the soul possesses the oversight, (in most cases) to recall the highlights of the entire chain.  This is the expanded perspective of an immortal, who picks and chooses the best of each life like a collector of sacred objects.

All the best commonly noted qualities of humanity come either directly from the soul, or are channeled through it as a spiritual conduit from the Universal Intelligence, that is the Soul, (consciousness) of the Cosmos.  These may express themselves in the form of the arts, in music, dance, painting, sculpture, writing, film and other potentially enlightening mediums.  Also of soulic origin are those tendencies of benevolent intention seen occurring spontaneously, (for the most part) among our race.  Basic human benevolence and its associated good will, stems from the recognition had by the true self of the brotherhood and sisterhood of all people as equals.  From the soul springs the compassion to aid those in pain, to alleviate the cause of suffering, to replace ignorance with realization and to love one another in peace, as the keepers of the common welfare.  It is within acts of good will that render aid to all or any, without the expectation of material or social compensation, that qualify themselves to be called spiritual ministry.  The origin of these is usually the true self.

Spiritual practice lends itself to more strongly manifested, "qualities of the soul" which our current social structure so deeply thirsts for.  For such qualities society is said to strive, but they are all too often overshadowed by unnatural values.  Of kindness, love, compassion, good will and charity we may collectively speak, but words only do these remain, until more among our kind achieve an at-onement with the true self.  The prerequisite in the accomplishment of a steady soul-mind connection is strong desire,  based upon a love for Truth and its use day to day.  Our aim in this practice must be firm, with resolve as spiritual practitioners ultimately unshakable, regardless of current world conditions. Much psychic and cultural inertia exists behind the destructive trends of millennia past. Today these trends are witnessed in wrong social focus, in egotism and materialism.  These three are destroying our world faster than any other cause.  They can be offset through the right use of intent, and the natural focus of awareness upon the themes of natural law.  One such law is that we are inescapably connected at all times via the psychic realm, not just locally, but as a world-wide organism.  We are a body of minds and souls within God, whose purpose like the rest of nature, is to facilitate the expansion of consciousness.  To accomplish this purpose of natural law, our need as individuals is to expand our own consciousness.  Our need as groups and communities is to likewise help to expand each others’ consciousness.  Ultimately our need as a World Mind, is to transform the current intention and focus of the human collective.

The intent to gain self realization and greater enlightenment often finds its expression in meditation.  After a variable period of time, the practitioner will find their meditations are causing a desire to find others with an intent similar to their own.  Or they will seek to encourage that intent in others, who do not yet understand its value.  In each case this is a very natural desire, one that has as much to do with natural law as it does the soul.  When we seek others out who have genuine spiritual intention, it is to find what may be called, “a communion of souls”.  There is a knowledge deep within each of us which indicates in very clear terms, that belonging to a group of like minds and souls represents a very real source of fulfillment.  It also indicates an intuitive certainty, (even a soulic memory) of the need to “be as one” with others in love and knowingness.  The reason for this strong impulse is simple.  It exists in each of us because the unity of consciousness is a Prime Law of nature and all things within it.  Unity is the Divine constant whereby the universe functions as a single, inseparable unit.  Living, biological forms represent a body of beings separated only by space, but not by time, Intent, Awareness or Energy.  Ultimately we must obey this Cosmic law of the unified field, and either make the best use of it through love and clarity, or find destruction through a mutuality of fear.  We must embrace love and clarity on a social basis, no matter what the circumstances or prevailing consensus of society.

When two or more meditators meet to expand consciousness together, much higher potentials are immediately experienced. This is especially true when we use the unshakable intent to spiritually benefit others.  To hold a “pure” intention toward another especially while in joint meditation, means to seek the highest welfare for them just as you would for yourself.  This can initially be accomplished simply by, “intending to see them as a soul” rather than as a personality.  See them as a spirit who has ultimately spiritual objectives, even when they themselves may not yet recognize this on the level of the personality.

When two or more meditators simultaneously project progressive intent upon each other, the mutual effects created can be very powerful.  Such effects are a reflection of many factors, not the least of which is the purity of intent each one is using in mutual meditation.  When meditators meet for the purpose of creating the greatest psychic benefits together, remember that it is very useful to see them as souls in bodies, and to use the greatest purity of intention that one is capable of.  Two or more practitioners are said to be engaged in "Mutual Psychic Augmentation", (MPA) when using intent in this way.  To accomplish MPA with another, the following procedure is recommended;

Meditate with the person or persons involved, before establishing the psychic rapport of MPA with them.  The Chakra meditation, (see GM series #3) is a useful format, as this prepares the body/mind of each practitioner for psychic action. After meditation, follow the four steps for the manifestation of intent, (see GM series #6) to psychically aid the other persons present.

The first of these steps is taken by “tuning in” to the current state of mind of the group or person.  Simply feel the mutual space with the same attitude as you would have toward meditation.  Use a receptive, feeling-mode of awareness, and when thoughts of any kind intrude, just go back to a feeling focus. This first step in the manifestation of intent is known as, being aware of the current state of the mutual space.

Step two involves being familiar with that which is to be intended toward others, which in this case is love.  This is step two or, having familiarity with that which is to be intended.  The nature of the joint, meditational intent to be used, should always be pre-established by mutual agreement.

Each participant maintains their awareness upon the feeling of the group, or in other words, the “group space”.  While maintaining this awareness, feel love for everyone present just as you would for a dear friend or family member.  Hold as much love as you can for the group, and keep raising the intensity of this feeling as the meditation proceeds, to the limits of your current ability. Doing this constitutes step three for the manifestation of intent, known as, the desired state, (love) is held steady in the body/mind.  In this occult action, the state of love or greater positivity is summoned up, not only for the self but for all those involved.  The meditator should not only feel the desired state in themselves, they should picture this state as being already existent in the others present. Use such visualized thoughtforms as light streaming between and connecting the fourth chakras, (hearts) of all present if so desired. Visualize also, how the other practitioners would look in a state of greater love/positivity.  Imagine how it would feel to be around them in such a state. As the desired state of greater love/positivity is held in the mind of each practitioner, this intent begins to be increasingly felt.  It begins to expand dynamically, and compound mutually.

Finally, the desired result of greater love, (higher vibration) is “held in place” or in other words, intended into place, (step 4) in all those present.  Greater states of love progressively take the place of previous states of mind in each practitioner, being viewed as the “new standing reality” of each individual.  Meditators should remain in the resulting MPA enhanced state for at least 10-15 minutes, to let the effects of this meditation "soak in" fully, in the body and mind.

The recommended time taken for the above version of MPA is approximately 30 minutes total. This may be slightly reduced, or greatly lengthened according to preference.  A greater duration of MPA will tend to have more progressive psychic effects, experienced mutually.  Mutual focuses such as this, will sometimes approach "peak experiences" that have lasting impact upon the body/mind.  Be prepared for this and do not let it distract you from your focus of creating mutual benefit!

When consciousness is employed in the above fashion, certain specific effects are created.  As two or more practitioners engage in MPA, streams of consciousness flow between them, creating a geometrically greater field of mutual energy and feeling as the meditation proceeds.  This field envelopes each practitioner as well as the space around them, and it manifests according to the intent and experience level of the participants.  Its presence and effects will be readily noticeable even to inexperienced meditators, often becoming what might be called "a high, bodywide sensation of oneness", as though there were no separation between self and others, (when in fact there is not, in the unified field).  Sensations of oneness, familiarity, and feelings of mutual appreciation are all indicators of successful MPA.

Such experiences prove that states of love, (and clarity) can be transmitted to others, as can any state imaginable. As group meditation proceeds, an “area of effect”, (which renders potentially powerful, psychic influences on anyone and anything within it) of charged particles arises, which increases in intensity in successive stages, or thresholds. Both love and clarity can in this way be exchanged, mutually expanded and exchanged again, on higher and higher plateaus of consciousness. [Practitioners will note that lesser degrees of this phenomena occur while in meditation with others, even though the joint focus is not MPA.] Experienced practitioners may generate extremely powerful areas of effect together, rendering positive psychic results on a widespread environmental basis.   In this way groups of meditators raise not only each others’ consciousness, but also the consciousness of the entire planet to some degree.

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com 

The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest 



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