WMS HOME PAGE | LIBRARY TABLE OF CONTENTS Group Mind Potentials (GM series #9) GM1 | GM2 | GM3 | GM4 | GM5 | GM6 | GM7 | GM8 | GM9 | GM10 | GM11 MPA, or mutual psychic augmentation, is a method whereby two or more meditators may enhance the level and quality of each others’ consciousness. [See GM series #8] This is made possible through the power of consciousness, and very specifically through the agency of intent. It is through intent that we make and carry out every decision, physically, mentally, spiritually and psychically. Through group intent, MPA takes advantage of the natural law known as the unified field, for within it we are all connected. Since this psychic connection is ultimately unavoidable to some degree, it is wise to simply embrace the fact of unity and “make the most of it”. This can be done through the intentional holding of a beneficial focus toward others, as a form of spiritual ministry. Such work is accomplished primarily through the projection of the states of consciousness known as clarity, love and general positivity. The following diagram demonstrates some of the psychic and spiritual potentials of this practice; THE INCREASING POTENTIALS OF MPA OVER TIME After 30 seconds of MPA, two meditators, (known as "A" and "B" above) feel a slightly elevated level of clarity and love. The psychic effect of their meditation extends beyond them in the immediate vicinity, shown as radiating waves of energy. This effect is a byproduct created by their mutual state, creating a small area of effect. [An area of effect may be defined as the scope of psychic influence which radiates outward from a given source. This source may be a given human being, a group of meditators, a community, a forest or any other form of life.] All people automatically radiate a psychic area of effect of small size, typically no larger than 2-15 feet from the physical body. Areas of effect of slightly larger scale, (20-100 feet) are fairly typical of those generated by very intense persons, going about their daily affairs, (such as that shown after two minutes of MPA in the above diagram). After 5 minutes this effect is greatly extended, to an area of effect that is perhaps a block in diameter. After 8 minutes of joint meditation, the psychic effects experienced by "A" and "B" have multiplied many times over, reaching over an entire neighborhood, (for instance). Such experiences may include significantly elevated states of consciousness, altered perceptions, greatly increased energy levels, and a profound sense of well being. The psychic area of effect generated after 10 minutes is noticeably strong, radiating out into the environment at a distance which can exceed many thousands of yards. Thus a variable sphere of psychic effect is generated, whose influences are either consciously or unconsciously registered by anyone within that area. Most passers-by will notice this as an inexplicable feeling of well being and internal balance, which has no apparent cause other than, "the usual shift of moods" during a day. Near the end of the meditation, the psychic and experiential effects of MPA are commonly at their peak. Both "A" and "B" simultaneously experience various expanded states together, and may even share the same thoughts as though they were one mind. Thus the term "group mind". (In any in-depth alignment such as this, the consciousness and nervous systems of persons, do attune to each other to a degree that is functionally that of a singular mind. This does not imply however that there is any loss of individuality for each person. On the contrary, it results in the mutual enhancement of each individual, and such benefits linger after the meditation is over.) Experiences had by meditators at this point, may range from visionary states complete with dream-like imagery, intuitive flashes and geometric patterns, to in-depth realizations of life, as well as very high energy levels. Love states can reach levels resembling those of "Christ Consciousness". Also occurring are enlightening levels of clarity whose presence reveals insights to long-held questions. Although the above examples are graphic and most commonly experienced only by advanced practitioners, (though not necessarily) they are intended to display two primary things; 1) That the phenomena of MPA can increase geometrically in mutual effect, especially when meditators use progressive intent(s), and 2) That the dynamic benefits possible with this practice are numerous and profound. Words may only convey a tiny fraction of the experiential meaning of group mind potentials, especially when they are employed in conjunction with a knowledge of consciousness. Suffice it to say that if the conscious use of group mind influence, (under spiritual auspices) were to take the place of the current, competitively based, fearful group mind of modern society, the world would be changed radically, (beyond recognition) for the better. Just as with the individual maintenance of higher states of consciousness, Mutual Psychic Augmentation is an avenue through which we may significantly contribute to the welfare of all persons on this planet, via our unified field connections with them. Also very notable are the psychic effects rendered by groups of meditators of increasingly greater numbers. Not only do areas of psychic effect and their quality of influence increase over time of meditation, (as above) they also increase geometrically as more practitioners engage in MPA, as follows; THE INCREASING PSYCHIC POTENTIALS OF MPA WITH GREATER NUMBERS OF
PARTICIPANTS The above diagram gives a relative idea of the greater group mind potentials involved, when higher numbers of participants align the force of their consciousness with one another. The small circles in items A through D, are representative of individual practitioners, (of average experience) in meditation. The interconnecting lines between them depict the psychic alignment, (unified field connection) of each participant with all of the others, in mutual consciousness. The notation below items A through D denote the scale in yards/miles of the psychic area of effect created by each size of group. The area of effect generated may manifest any quality jointly intended, from that which enhances mutual love, clarity, alignment with God, to enhanced energy levels, etc. Note that as with the preceding diagram, the representations given are intended to graphically convey the relative potentials of group mind activity only. The distances of the effects shown are not necessarily proportional, for there are always many, (psychic) variables involved. These diagrams are designed to orient the reader as to the relative potentials of time and greater numbers of practitioners in MPA. Even in the case of groups who know nothing of occult principles or consciousness, the mutual power evidenced by group mind action is not to be underestimated. But when this power is harnessed by those who do know the principles of natural law involved, and who have an intention that is in accord with nature, their force is enormously enhanced. With this properly focused force, we may reshape the social landscape in which we live. Through these methods we may indeed bring forth a more enlightened world. Matthew Webb
visionquest@eoni.com The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest
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