Love and Clarity

Literally any state of mind may be created or enhanced within.  It is commonly assumed that our thoughts and feelings are difficult, if not impossible, to change at will.  But this is not so.  The meditator soon realizes that it is they who are primarily responsible for their state of mind, in each moment that passes.  This is particularly true of the spiritual practitioner, who finds that they can both cultivate and psychically project any intention, (and its paralleling state of consciousness) to others. Both love and clarity for instance, are well within our ability to cultivate within. We may also project both of these states of consciousness to those in our immediate environment, and to the world as a sum total.  Thus we have within our power to sustain high and progressive states of consciousness for ourselves. We can also create the kind of global community which will reflect these states, to whatever degree we deem desirable. That degree is surely without limit.

 Because the benefits of clarity and love become increasingly greater as they are intensified, there is no reason why we cannot literally, “travel” these mediums of human advancement without any constraint whatsoever.  Like the physical universe, there are no limits to exploration, (and its potential benefits) when investigating progressive states of consciousness.   This is a spiritual journey, and truly, “the ultimate frontier”.

            As previously explained, love and clarity are mutually enhancing.  They are the first two of the six paths for the expansion of consciousness, which the WMS practitioner will usually engage.  When any one of these six paths or elements are singularly increased in the self or in a group, the expansion of consciousness always occurs as a result.  When more than one element is engaged simultaneously, the results become quite profound.  By increasing love and clarity simultaneously for instance, we find that clarity guides and crystallizes love. Love empowers and deepens clarity.  In other words, clarity keeps love moving in the direction of the Divine and the most progressive, giving it self knowledge and sheer strength, (lasting power).  Love empowers clarity like an engine of energy and high feeling, thereby providing it with the means to See into, (intuit) the Truth of any question to great depth.  Love gives clarity the momentum and even the motivation to understand, what is ordinarily considered to be the “mysteries of life”. With these two elements in place, life is no longer mysterious, and neither is the modern human dilemma, (or its best solutions).

             In GM #5, we find a description for the cultivation of love as the following excerpt describes;

…After meditation, remain quietly focused on feeling.  Then recall the times in which you felt the strongest love.  Recall every detail of this experience, especially how it felt everywhere in the body.  The body has memory, and every state of consciousness you have ever been in, is recorded within the cells.  These memories often surface on their own, but they can also be summoned up at will. Remain focused on this memory of love until you can feel it again as strongly as possible

Try constructing this thoughtform;

Visualize yourself surrounded by a glowing sphere of any color or colors you choose.  See this sphere as very energetic and powerful, (try throwing in a few incoming lightning bolts to increase its energy level).  After establishing this visualization in the mind, firmly repeat over and over again that, “this sphere is a surrounding shield of love of positivity” or simply “I am surrounded and empowered by love and positivity”.  Feel this to be true as you hold this thoughtform in place, in the minds’ eye.  Intend that love and positivity are literally exploding through and around the body and mind….

            In the case of “past love recall” and the use of the thoughtform above, the practitioner of natural law learns that love can indeed be summoned at will.  After some experience in this, love states can simply be “intended into place”, just as readily as one might move the physical body from one place to another.  We need only intend love to blossom within, in order to find its benefits in our lives. 

The summoning of clarity in the self is essentially no different than summoning love, other than the fact that, in this Western culture we are not extremely familiar with this state of consciousness.  Clarity is not even a term in common use, in our language.  Clarity must therefore be directly realized or seen for what it is in meditation, before it can be “intended into place”.  The purpose of the Advanced Chakra Meditation is to facilitate exactly that.

The Advanced Chakra Meditation, (see GM series #11) is conducted as follows, (this is an excerpt);

Sit or lie comfortably, and immediately begin focusing on the feelings centered in the area of the forehead.  Those new to this practice may begin by tapping the tip of their right index finger upon what is known as the “third eye”, or exact center of the forehead.  Be aware of every subtle detail of feeling in this area. Allow awareness to spread to the entire region of the frontal lobe of the brain, (the front third of the head, directly behind the forehead).  Do not avoid any pain, fear or other unpleasantness found anywhere in this area, but instead relax it, and continue the meditation…

After maintaining this feeling focus in the third eye region for about 5 minutes, shift your focus to one of awareness only.  In other words, go beyond the simple awareness of feelings in this area.  Be aware of that in you which is being aware.  This statement may at first sound a little cryptic, but it is actually quite simple.  In the basic Chakra Meditation we use awareness to focus on feelings in the body.  This serves as a replacement for continuous thoughts in the mind.  In the Advanced Chakra Meditation we start with this feeling focus, and then soon shift to a “focus upon the focuser”, or to one of having, “awareness of awareness”.  So while focused upon the third eye region, the meditator engages an “awareness of awareness” in the frontal lobe of the brain.  This act “recycles” awareness back upon itself, thereby increasing its intensity.  This is a primary means to gain greater clarity.  Awareness of awareness may be psychically projected to others, which aids in their higher establishment of clarity as well.

To “intend into place” either love , clarity or both, we need only recall the memory of having them in previous times.  With love this is usually no problem for the meditator.  But in the case of clarity, the practitioner will probably have to enter the state of awareness of awareness, via the Advanced Chakra Meditation on a repeated basis, before its memory becomes firmly ingrained in the body/mind.  When this occurs, not only is its recall made simple, but so is the act of intending it into place, (see the four steps for the manifestation of intent in GM series #6).

When love and/or clarity are projected to others, we refer to this act as “casting”.  When such casting is sent back and forth between two or more people, this is known as “MPA”, or “mutual psychic augmentation”. The practitioner notices that in group meditation the mutual psychic projection, (augmentation) of love between two or more persons, causes the level of love present to escalate to much higher plateaus.  The same is true of mutual clarity.  This fact is due to the natural law known as the “group mind principle”.  In a group setting, love is projected back and forth between the participants as follows, from an excerpt of GM #8.  The process is given in four steps;

Group Vibrational, (love) Raising

The first of these steps is taken by “tuning in” to the current state of mind of the group or person.  Simply feel the mutual space with a quiet mind.

Step two involves being familiar with that which is to be intended toward others, which in this case is love.

 Step three. Each participant maintains their awareness upon the feeling of the group, or in other words, the “group space”. While maintaining this awareness, feel love for everyone present just as you would for a dear friend or family member…Use such visualized thoughtforms as light streaming between, and connecting the fourth chakras, (hearts) of all present. Visualize also, how the other practitioners would look in a state of greater love/positivity.  Imagine how it would feel to be around them in such a state. As the desired state of greater love/positivity is held in the mind of each practitioner, this intent begins to be increasingly felt.  It begins to expand dynamically, and compound mutually. 

Finally, the desired result of greater love, (higher vibration) is “held in place” or in other words, intended into place, (step 4) in all those present.  Greater states of love progressively take the place of previous states of mind in each practitioner. These new states are then viewed as the “new standing reality” for the group.

Try constructing this thoughtform together;

Visualize the group surrounded by a glowing sphere of any color or colors you choose.  See this sphere as very energetic and powerful, (try throwing in a few incoming lightning bolts to increase its energy level).  After establishing this visualization in the mind, firmly repeat over and over again that, “this sphere is a surrounding shield of love of positivity” or simply “We are surrounded and empowered by love and positivity”.  Feel this to be true as you hold this thoughtform in place, in the minds’ eye.  Intend that love and positivity are literally exploding through and around the body and mind of each mediator present…

…As two or more practitioners engage in MPA, streams of consciousness flow between them, creating a geometrically greater field of mutual energy and feeling as the meditation proceeds.  This field envelopes each practitioner as well as the space around them, and it manifests according to the intent and experience level of the participants.  Its presence and effects will be readily noticeable even to inexperienced meditators, often becoming what might be called "a high, bodywide sensation of oneness", as though there were no separation between self and others, (when in fact there is not, in the unified field).  Sensations of oneness, familiarity, and feelings of mutual appreciation are all indicators of successful MPA…Such experiences prove that states of love, (and clarity) can be transmitted to others, as can any state imaginable.

What we notice when engaged in group meditations, (whose focus it is to create greater loves states in tandem) is that a profound natural process has just been initiated.  Startlingly high levels of love can be mutually experienced in this fashion.  These leave lasting benefits for the body, mind and spirit of each meditator, of a long term and even permanent nature.  Such effects become further ingrained and cumulatively increased, with each succeeding group meditation.  The same is true of individual meditation.

More advanced meditators will eventually want to try to add the element of consciousness expansion known as clarity, to the love states already established by the group.  They can and should “mix” these two elements in their own individual meditations as well., There is no better preparation for group meditation than this.  To hold more than one consciousness expanding focus at a time, is a learned art which only remotely resembles the holding multiple material-world focuses.. We may for instance, make repairs to an engine while having a conversation, as an example of the division of mind upon multiple tasks.  This is a common ability in this modern age.  However, the holding of different elements of consciousness such as love and clarity simultaneously, is not quite as simple, until one becomes thoroughly and experientially familiar with each element.  Let us return then to the subject of clarity, to continue this discussion of consciousness expanding elements, (paths) and their relationship;

Group Clarity, (Advanced Chakra) Meditation

When two or more practitioners meet in MPA in order to increase clarity as a group, the same procedures are applicable as those which enhance mutual love.  All participants should first use the Advanced Chakra Meditation while seated together in the same room, hall, or clearing in the woods.  After this they may focus their awareness upon each other, while sill holding a state of awareness of awareness, (clarity).  Follow the same four steps as above;

The first of these steps is taken by “tuning in” to the current state of mind of the group.  Simply feel the mutual space (of clarity) with a quiet mind.

Step two involves being familiar with that which is to be intended toward others, which in this case is awareness of awareness.

 Step three. Each participant maintains their awareness upon the state of the group, or in other words, the “group space”.  While maintaining this awareness, focus upon clarity for everyone present, just as you would for a dear friend or family member…Use such visualized thoughtforms as light streaming between and connecting the sixth chakras, (foreheads) of all present. Visualize also, how the other practitioners would look in a state of greater clarity/insight.  Imagine how it would feel to be around them in such a state. As the desired state of greater clarity is held in the mind of each practitioner, this intent begins to be increasingly felt.  It begins to expand dynamically, and compound mutually. 

            Finally, the desired result of greater clarity is “held in place” or in other words, intended into place, (step 4) by all those present.  Greater states of clarity progressively take the place of previous states of mind in each practitioner, being viewed as the “new standing reality” of the group space.

Try constructing this thoughtform together;

Visualize the group surrounded by a glowing sphere of any color or colors you choose.  See this sphere as very energetic and powerful, (try throwing in a few incoming lightning bolts to increase its energy level).  After establishing this visualization in the mind, firmly repeat over and over again that, “this sphere is a surrounding shield of clarity”, or simply, “We are surrounded and empowered by awareness of awareness”.  Feel this to be true as you hold this thoughtform in place, in the minds’ eye.  Intend that clarity and insightfulness are literally exploding through and around the body and mind of each meditator present.

            As two or more practitioners engage in MPA, streams of consciousness flow between them, creating a geometrically greater field of mutual energy and feeling, as the meditation proceeds.  This field envelopes each practitioner as well as the space around them.  It manifests according to the intent and experience level of the participants.  Its presence and effects will be readily noticeable even to inexperienced meditators, often becoming what might be called "a clear, focused, bodywide sensation of oneness", as though there were no separation between self and others, (when in fact there is not, in the unified field).  Sensations of oneness, familiarity, and feelings of mutual appreciation, are all indicators of successful MPA.  Such experiences prove that states of clarity, (and love) can be transmitted to others, as can any state imaginable.

            For a group or an individual to combine the effects of both clarity and love together, they need only meditate on each of these elements consecutively.  They may first choose to meditate on love, (recommended) and then upon clarity, or vice versa.  If love is meditated upon first, then that state should be held and carried over to the clarity meditation, so that it can be “mixed” with it.  Likewise, if clarity is the initial focus, then it should be held at the same time that love states are entered.  In this way, the practitioner becomes what might be called, “a mixing crucible wherein the cosmic foundations for Creation meet”.

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com 

The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest 

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