Entheo Genius
Part 3


Gaining greater clarity

There is a thing of cosmic importance that can be done in meditation which the majority of the world is unaware of, and that is the gaining of greater clarity at will. This requires a serious and prolonged focus of meditation upon the second ingredient of the consciousness that we are; awareness. When we meditatively focus upon awareness rather than just the thoughts that are usually running through the mind at random, it soon becomes obvious that awareness is something we ARE not just something we DO, (thoughts, emotions, etc.) I recommend focusing in this way according to the World Mind Societys’ “Advanced Chakra Meditation” at http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest .

Awareness is what we use to focus upon the various day to day activities and objects of our world. But like intent, it is far more than a mundane quality of self that does little more than switch focus from walking around the house, to balancing your checkbook. It is in fact a major means by which consciousness can be expanded. When intent and awareness work together, there is very little they cannot do.

What to Do;

First realize what awareness is within. SEE what it feels like, how it shifts around, and how it focuses. Switch from seeing something to hearing it and then feeling its’ contours. Notice how awareness can and does switch from one sense to the next, and yet is none of them. Notice also how we have many thoughts in the space of even a single minute, and yet it is awareness that focuses on each mental subject. Awareness is the “focuser” within. Awareness is a part of the true self or consciousness. When you learn to focus upon awareness itself rather than thoughts or the sensory objects of the daily world, it is then that, (much in the same manner as recommended by certain spiritual traditions such as Buddhism) it IMPROVES to become more than it was before. In other words, when awareness becomes aware of itself within, our consciousness makes a fundamental shift. This is what is known as, “Gaining Clarity” While under the influence of the Smoke focus upon the awareness within, which by another name is called, “that which looks”, (perceives). Let “that which looks” focus upon and rest within itself, rather than having a stream of thoughts run through the mind. Marijuana can help you do this. “Awareness of awareness” is one of the main traditional prerequisites to “enlightenment” as referred to by many ancient text such as the Vedas.

4) The opening of the chakras and an enhancement of psychic power

Another wonder of marijuana is that it can improve the “energy body” and not just the physical one. Also mentioned in Vedic Literature dating back as far a 7000 years, the chakras are simply the energy portals of the physical and energetic bodies. Technically, the term “chakra” means “wheel”, a term meant to denote the spinning, circular aspects of these energy portals. Chakras are typically described as being 7 in number running along the line of the backbone, from the top of the head to the base of the spine. You can readily feel the reality of these by noticing those areas of concentrated feeling in the body, such as the area of the throat, heart and stomach. Notice also how these can tighten up or at least change in feeling when another person walks in the same room. This fact is not merely psychological, it is the actual psychic effect of one person to another, as facilitated by chakra to chakra subatomic energy streams. How we feel at any moment effects those around us in intimate ways.

When we smoke marijuana, there is a strong tendency for the chakras to open wider. This happens in part because the high attracts a flow of incoming subatomic particles, (chi) into our systems. The chakras open to better accommodate this flow. They also open wider, (literally to a larger diameter, from the usual 4 or 5 inches across, to twice or more that amount) because of the high vibration of this herb. High vibrations, (feelings) make us feel looser and more amiable to others, whereas lower vibrations make us more withdrawn and suspicious of others. Smoking marijuana literally improves the psychic connection from one person to the next, and this fact is what underlies the meaning of such terms as, “contact high”

What to Do;

Focus on the feelings in your heart after a puff. Notice in subtle detail how these are influenced by other people moment to moment in accord with their state of consciousness. Notice also how your own state of consciousness effects their mood and even thought patterns without ever having to say a word. While focusing on the heart, try INTENDING an expansion of those feelings by one inch in diameter, (as an example). Just imagine in terms of feeling what this would be like, and just “expand your feelings” there. Accomplishing this is effectively expanding a chakra at will, and that can of course be done with any of these energy portals. This exercise is known as “expansion”.

5) Getting into better alignment with one’s own soul, Nature and God

Because of marijuana’s tendency to both open chakras and raise the users’ vibration, it increases psychic power and connectivity as explained above. In so doing it helps to place us in better rapport with our own soul, with nature and that which is called “God”.

Everyone knows that it FEELS different when standing in the midst of a secluded forest as compared to standing downtown in a large city. This is because the “psychic space”, vibes” or collective, “group mind” of these area are, needless to say, of very different focus. When we smoke pot, (or take other entheogens) it places us in a better position to perceive things as they really are, to feel and to know clearly what the details of reality are, when used carefully. Through meditation we can focus intensively on marijuana’ effects, and learn a great deal about Truth in the process.

What to Do;

Try the “Soulic Rapport Meditation” located in the WMS Library at http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest Start by focusing on the top of the head, (seventh chakra) or the heart area, (foruth chakra) and feel the high there after taking a puff. The high makes us literally more resonant with the natural vibrations of our own soul or seat of consciousness. Just observe what intuitive messages appear in the mind while so focused. INTEND a greater alignment of your mind with the consciousness of your soul. Do this by degrees if you like, just as with the other “What to do” focuses above. INTEND that this increased connection be made permanent. Doing this is implicitly a consciousness expanding meditation, and is known as “right alignment”.

The high also puts us in better psychic rapport with nature and God. While smoking in natural setting, INTEND that your psychic alignment with the trees, animals and other plants be made stronger. When this is done with enough sensitivity, a definite and unmistakable alignment with a whole region of the Earth can occur. The smoker will feel an empathy toward all living things, and very often, strong “rushes” of high feeling originating from the natural area occur. This is an alignment with Earth consciousness, or what the WMS literature calls, “the Earth Mind”. Try intending that your high be transmitted to the surrounding area just as you would send love and affection to a friend. Intend that the surrounding area reciprocate back to you it’s best feelings. Work with that connection using various benevolent intentions and observe the amazing results. The same may be said in the potential enhanced rapport with that which is called “God” It can be directly observed that “God” is in fact made of that same essence, (consciousness) as ourselves and nature. “God”, “nature” and ‘soul” are all made of the same three elements of consciousness; INENT, AWARENESS and ENERGY. This fact encapsulates high cosmic wisdom, and I recommend pondering and meditating upon it at length.

6) Group psychic rapport, (group mind).

Everyone knows that when speaking in front of a large group of people that there can arise a peculiar set of feelings in the body, especially in the throat and stomach. Such “stage jitters’ as they have been called, are the result of the audience’s awareness being focused on the speaker. This creates a psychic pressure upon the body and mind when the audience is in disagreement. But when the audience really likes what the speaker or performer has to say, this is felt as a tremendous boost of energy and positive feelings,, one which can actually improve their performance greatly. This is what the WMS material refers to as “group mind effects”, or in other words, the real and felt consequences of mutual focus upon the world in which we live. That effect is even more impacting upon our own bodies and minds, every hour of every day.

The very same may be said of group entheogenic experiences. Whenever we take a “hallucinogenic” substance together, it creates a common psychic bond or rapport that can be easily distinguished. Some have called this rapport “vibes”, “atmosphere”, or “contact high”. By any name this phenomena of consciousness operates under the natural law of resonance, which means that when we have similar feelings we can more easily “tune in” to one another psychically, just like two or more radio stations can receive each other when aligned to the same frequency. As mentioned earlier, vibration=feelings=frequency and this is true in the most literal sense. ALL of this has concrete explanations in terms of modern physics, which you can research for yourself.

What to Do;

When we smoke marijuana together, for instance, there opens up an opportunity for the MUTUAL gaining of personal power and spiritual progress that surpasses our individual efforts. When a group focuses together on the high, especially with the intent of making it EVEN HIGHER and as MUTUALLY FELT TOGETHER, then the ability of those group members to raise their state of consciousness is increased geometrically. Take a puff together at one time,and riase the feelings of the group by degrees just as you did alone. This works because of the group mind principle. It states: “the resulting force generated from the combining of like minds, is geometrically greater than the sum of its parts“ Thus there is a tremendous potential for groups of focused meditators to take entheogens together, focus upon the group good, .and go very far into the realms of expanded consciousness together for the sake of mutually enhanced, personal benefits. We’ll talk much more about this in later parts of the Entheo Genius series.

Any of the above 6 “What to Do” focuses are avenues for spiritual progress, both on and off entheogens. They are direct routes through which the expansion of consciousness occurs. The advanced or adventuresome meditator will want to try them in combination with one another for even greater effect. When the “chi gaining” and “vibrational raising” intentions are employed together for instance, they boost each others’ effects. Thus the high is made much higher, and our insights and personal powers are proportionately increased. Employing them all at the same time, especially in a group where each member specializes on one of these focuses on behalf of the entire group, there is no level of consciousness the participants cannot reach, and HOLD.
Always remember that in the spiritual act of taking entheogens, we CAN make their positive influences on us PERMANENT. This is a matter of experience and right intent.

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com
The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest

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