The Age of Empowerment

At this moment many different meditational and prayer-centered organizations around the world, are using group focus to bring about global change.  Some meditate for peace, and others pray for the intercession of Divine forces.  This is being done to place humanity once again on an evolutionary course. Some groups meditate upon creating a coherence of mind, others upon peacefulness and wisdom among our race. Still others use a silence of mind to calm the modern chaos and conflict.  Regardless of the methods of various practices, or the credentials of their spiritual leaders, the essential point to realize here is that humanity is awakening out of a 3000-5000 year slumber.  This collective sleep came upon us as we left natural ways and laws.  It has cast a shadow upon all the products of civilization.  Only now is there a significant dawning of the new Age of Empowerment, which actually reflects the most ancient of all cosmic knowledge at its foundation.

What is being realized is that there is a higher order in the universe, than that imposed by martial regulation.  There exists a higher law than the edicts of courts, judges, popes or presidents.  This law is higher because it is the very source for human existence, as well as all of life and existence itself.  The highest law of all is structured by natural and spiritual design. The greatest means for success in life is therefore through natural and spiritual principles.  Natural laws and spiritual principles are in essence one in the same thing.  They are both ways of referring to the Cosmic Order we must all recognize, or suffer the consequences of wrong Intent, (extinction). There are a great many among us today, who are realizing that what we need is a unity of spiritual Intent.  Our collective effort and focused group determination, is exactly what is required at this moment in history.  Very soon, the days of individual and competitive effort will end, one way or another.  In the future they will be remembered as obsolete and even primitive.  True social progress will in the near future, be defined as progressive and mutual spirituality.  Our unity of spiritual focus will render the sweetest fruits that humanity has ever known, in the form of compassionate relations, dynamic community living, and the sharing of resources.  In greater enlightenment, people will directly perceive the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of all humanity, in all places upon the globe. All of this will take place through one singular means in the elevation of consciousness, at a grass-roots level of society.  Groups around the world dedicated to the expansion of consciousness, act as  sparks igniting the spiritual fire of global illumination.   

            Natural and spiritual laws tell us that the purpose of life is growth, change and constant evolution. Humanity is still very much in the midst of this evolutionary process.  We are growing and becoming more than we ever were, (or at least this is the human potential, and most fundamental need).  Our brain capacity and conscious potentials are such, that we have the option to choose the path of our own destiny.  But this capacity for free will comes with a price.  It is ours to choose, yet we must choose wisely or suffer mass destruction forged by our own hands.  There is a broad range of possibilities open to us, but only within the parameters of natural law.  Outside of these parameters we may not stray for long, because the Universe has its own organized purpose.  We may not defy this purpose indefinitely. This means that free will is not the whole equation of human mental capacity.  We must be more than merely intelligent, we must also be wise.  Wisdom is none other than the application of truth in ones’ life.  The greater this application becomes, the greater is the resulting wisdom.  Wisdom tends to be the bi-product of natural living, since nature operates directly upon Truth.   In our free will, the acquisition of natural wisdom is necessary.  We may then make the choices which sustain all life, and not just the benefit of a few.

  When we follow the natural design, the choices we make are evolutionary.  This means that our decisions result in the inner and outer growth of the human being.  We are becoming conscious members of Cosmic citizenship. When this happens we become more than just the citizens of nations, or members of a given culture, religion or ideology.  By adopting natural and spiritual laws as our guiding system of living, it is then that the whole universe becomes the place of human creation and contribution.

Through the group mind principle of nature, we can take part in the formation of a new world.  Our collective intent is the basis for how our society functions.  When we spiritually change this intent at a personal level, we become Masters.  When we change intent on a collective level, our species will gain what may be called “world enlightenment”.  In this world the very concept of human limitation and self destruction will be shattered. Today’s miracles will become tomorrows’ every-day occurrences, by remaining true to what our own souls already know.  In following the ways of nature, and consciously participating in the process of evolution, (rather than seeking to avoid it) the natural wisdom of the human spirit will finally come into full bloom.

 The purpose of global meditations, prayers, and spiritual practices, is to improve both personal and world conditions.  The outer condition of international relations, directly reflects the inner world of the consciousness we hold.  Fundamentally, we all work toward the creation of a new world, where complete empowerment of the people is the norm, rather than alienation, pain and fear.  As we engage a spiritual focus together, we change our individual and collective consciousness, to higher and higher levels.  Greater love, clarity, awareness and Cosmic Purpose then make themselves apparent.  What will this new world look like, when a great shift in world consciousness occurs?  At present we are in the midst of a period of transition and relative chaos.  Turmoil is occurring at all levels of global affairs. We have within our power as conscious beings, (and at this very moment) the ability to transform  chaos into a higher level of spiritual order.  The new era thus created, might well be called The Age of Empowerment.  Let us explore how this Age will look, and rally around its crystallization in cooperative effort.  With this crystallized vision of global empowerment in place, all that is then needed is its cooperative implementation. This can be accomplished by those of progressive intention.

By focusing upon the expansion of consciousness, (that we are) we facilitate the purposes of our own souls, the evolutionary process in Nature, and Divine Will in the ascension of humanity.  As each of us expands our essential being, and raises our level of spiritual intention, we will cross a series of consciousness-thresholds around the globe.  These collective thresholds, (of change) are in essence, no different than the changes an individual goes through, as they expand personal consciousness.  Some refer to such a major shift of global consciousness through such terms as “omega point” or “critical mass”.  A critical mass-shift of consciousness, is comparable to the flash-point of fire, as something flammable suddenly bursts into flame, or when water comes to a boil.  In all of these cases a threshold is crossed, after which many experiential changes are made evident.  The difference between boiling water, and water which is calm is obvious, as is the difference between the flash-point of fire and mere smoldering.  The same is true of various thresholds of consciousness, at the individual, group and global levels.  The many groups and individuals who are now arising in spiritual unity across the globe, are the smoldering of our collective will to ascend.  We need only to align this collective will cooperatively, to make world enlightenment a spiritual fire that is felt as a daily reality. Ultimately, we all seek a major threshold, (of change) in world consciousness.  The crossing of this threshold will be made evident to all persons on this planet simultaneously.  Just as a roomful of people can come to simultaneous joy and realization together, (this is especially evident in group meditations or prayer/drumming circles) so too can all of humanity wherever they are on the globe.

So what happens after the shift of global consciousness? What will the world look like in terms of social relations and international policy?  After such a shift, there will be obvious changes in the degree of manifest love, clarity, energy and connection to nature, among the peoples of the world.  In a more enlightened state of world consciousness, the following social trends will be become increasingly evident; 

1)       National boundaries will dissolve, as they will be seen as unimportant and artificial. People will identify instead with what is universal.  They will witness the commonality of consciousness inside themselves and all others.  In other words, they will identify with the consciousness or God within, as a first hand experience.  The peoples of the world will do this rather than identifying with those learned distinctions of nationality, which are by comparison small, false and self limiting.  We are not the members of nations, we are members of the family of God.  We are not of states or territories, we are a part of Nature and the natural design. Our true heritage is that of consciousness the universal, not the artificially imposed ideology of “national pride”, which has nothing to do with the natural reality. 

2)       Cultural boundaries will dissolve, as they will be seen as unimportant and artificial.  We are not members of cultures, because any one culture is truly less than human souls in bodies.  What is a culture other than a set of beliefs, made by men in accord with the limitations of time and place?  We are far greater than any one set of beliefs or lifestyles.  We are Divine beings of vast potential, of sophisticated genetic background, spanning eons of time.  We are the stuff of stars, and the product of the Cosmic principles of Creation itself.  Humans are the very creators of all cultures, and are therefore more than any one set of ideals or beliefs.  The human being is reflective of that which is universal, just as is all of nature.  Upon realizing this our common root as conscious beings, will become the unified ground for world peace and true fulfillment. 

3)       Religious boundaries will dissolve, as they will be seen as unimportant, and  artificial.  The universal truth which underlies all religions surpasses the limitations of any one ideology.  As we expand our consciousness, we realize that it is the Truth which any religion attempts to convey which is important, not specific rituals, practices or traditions.  No one given place of worship is necessarily more holy than any other…it is the  entire Earth and the human being itself which is Holy.  We carry this holiness within, and to assign it arbitrarily to one piece of land or temple, is to create distinctions which do not truly exist. It is to Truth alone which we will apply ourselves, regardless of religious orientation.  Using Truth as the primary guide in life, a person achieves what is known as “Mastery” of self, as a soul in a body.  We are all souls in bodies, as the product of Divinity/Natural Intelligence.  All human beings are composed of consciousness at a fundamental level.  For this reason our goals are truly universal and unified. We are therefore much more than any one approach…as it is said, “all paths lead to God”.  In greater self realization, we See that the paths which lead to God are not God Itself.  A path is not representative of the God we seek to know and commune with.  Regardless of the technique of meditation or prayer, is it not the same Universal Consciousness, (God) which is the subject of our spiritual focus?  Upon realizing this, religious disputes and wars will become a thing of forgotten history.  Jihads and holy conflicts will be made obsolete, because in our expanded consciousness, the people of the world will recognize that the holiest focus of all is found in the reverence of life, and its universal, spiritual purpose. 

4)       Political boundaries will dissolve, as they will be seen as unimportant and artificial.  Political orientations are, (ideally) only specific approaches to the establishment of the general welfare. It is not any one party or platform which is most important, it is our general welfare in daily living which matters to the people of the world.  As our global consciousness shifts, we will no longer seek the special-interest benefit of a given political party alone.  We will instead seek the welfare of all people as cosmic equals, in the formation of a more perfect social union. 

After the shifts of world consciousness occur, a different consensual social order will make itself apparent… 

1)      Competitiveness for the sake of selfish benefit, will be replaced by the realization that we have much more to gain through cooperation and harmony.

2)      Love will replace fear as the standard assumption in social encounters.  There is no true reason for interactions to be otherwise.  It will be realized that what we create together, literally determines the fate of our collective destiny. Higher consciousness will demonstrate in no uncertain terms, that love is not an abstract theory of sentimental value only.  It is in fact a practical and spiritual state of being, that affords very real advantages, for all who focus upon it together.

3)      Clarity will replace confusion as the standard norm for modern thought.  It will be understood that truth is a universal constant, one that is integral to God, Truth and Nature alike.  It is also an inherent part of our human reality, by the same token.  In realizing this, clarity will take the place of confusion as the standard content for all sources of public information, (media).  We will gain increasing insight into what is real in Truth, and what is only the illusion(s) of our own making.  In clarity for instance, we will go beyond the belief that materialism is the best standard for living.  The public focus will then shift to that which is universal, and away from the false assumptions of the marketplace, and money-as-happiness.  In clarity mutual intent will become apparent, and there will be no place for deceptiveness, since inner motives will be instantly recognized, (both within and without). 

4)      We will increasingly find that feelings of mutual strength replace those of competitiveness and discord.  In the new Age of Empowerment, we will understand that there is far more to gain by strengthening each other, than through cut-throat destructiveness and selfish interest alone.  Cooperative living in a variety of forms will spontaneously arise, in the form of communities, communal households, shared resources and mutual undertakings.  Cooperation will be carried forward by individuals who See that the collective good, also profoundly contributes to their own personal good. 

5)      Efficient and natural living will take the place of “consumerism”.  Nature will become the standard for social order, and natural laws the template for a truly satisfying standard of living.  Sustainable and natural methods of agriculture, self governance, social relations, education, medicine and all other areas of collective effort, will be made self-sufficient.  Governmental “authority” will be de-centralized, and replaced with the autonomy and self capability of the people.  Grass roots practical action and self motivation, will replace the need for “experts” (who supposedly know more about ourselves and our own welfare, than we do). 


Increasingly, there are those who are appearing from the ranks of the old-world order, with a fresh vision of life.  Individuals are spontaneously arising, (as well as those inspired by organized means) with revolutionary, yet ancient knowledge. These individuals are acting as the Guides for higher consciousness, within the currently materialistic world society.  They are creating a world movement based upon an embrace of universal spirituality, instead of specific governments, philosophies or religions.  This world movement will progressively recognize the deeper qualities of life and Truth for their own inherent value.  

The true identity of human beings as conscious souls in bodies, rather than as citizens of countries, will become the standard “political” position.  The progressively inclined will increasingly crave and align with natural ways, and find this to be a very real source for spiritual regeneration.  In so doing many will gain what will be regarded as various mental and spiritual powers, including expanded perceptions, psychic manifestations, enhanced intelligence and wisdom.  These important qualities will enable them to guide the new progressive trend of humanity, into an enlightened age.  This new Age of Empowerment will be marked by a knowing of God in Nature, and a respect for right living as demonstrated by spiritual, scientific and natural principles.  All of these areas will be viewed as one in the same study.  Scientific investigation will be based on nature and Natural Law, and thus be more fully understood through the wise focus of spirituality.  Scientific principles will be the means to the spiritual for many, having been motivated by the Cosmic impulse to understand.   Spirituality will in turn be more fully understood and embodied, through enlightened science.  The Age of Empowerment will find progressive fruition through naturally applied scientific tools and concepts, along-side spiritual progressiveness. 

            The progressive elements of humanity will increasingly find ways of living which maintain inner strength.  To some degree, this group will wait for the time when their voice and way of living may be more clearly heard, at which point they will openly advocate progressive measures for the further evolution of humanity. [That time is now] Many will band together, especially in natural areas, forming communities of like mind.  Some of these exist successfully at present, even in large cities.  Spiritual practices of all kinds for the improvement of the body, mind and spirit will flourish among them.  The widespread use of herbs, natural foods, and alternative technologies will sustain those who naturally oriented.  Those who observe natural laws have the support of Earth consciousness in general. 

            Then, there will occur a phenomena of consciousness that is often not easily attained by any planet, or any other life supporting body. Human consciousness will reach a planetary threshold, whereby the constituent minds of the world will collectively and simultaneously shift.  This is a process that resembles the flash point of fire suddenly crossed.  This flash point is usually catalyzed by one or more among an intelligent race, typically at various points around a world, whose personal consciousness reaches an elevated stage.  When this happens High Intent is radiated outward as a powerful and progressive force of a very high vibration.  Such spiritual Intent is the result of dedicated Spiritual focus.  It comes about through an alignment with the Will of God/Nature, and the subsequent channeling of Divine Intent into the environment, for the benefit of all.  The spiritual spark thus created by advanced souls, ignites the realization of a great many more, elevating their consciousness resonantly.

            Evolutionary emanations travel outward from spiritual groups and Masters, like the waves caused when stones are thrown into a pond.  This “pond” is the World Mind, also known as “the collective unconscious” of global, human society. To make a global “flash-point shift” more probable, there must exist a minimum number of truly spiritual persons who have attained significant self realization.  This self realization allows them to be receptive to the emanations of consciousness-pioneering groups and individuals. Because of their receptivity, (and also because of the very compelling nature of the high vibration/Intent sent forth) the people first affected will then embody this Intent themselves. Many people will feel compelled to spontaneously enter states of love, clarity and realization, though many may not realize why this is so.  This will amplify and expand the original impulse sent by the minority who Understand.  Larger and larger portions of the population will resonate with, and radiate, high vibrations and Intent, (love and spiritual motivation).  The flash point phenomena will continue to expand over the entire population of the world, in ever widening circles of influence.  In a very short time the World Mind will be transformed and elevated, in its level of consciousness, after a certain critical mass or percentage of the population, is converted to high(er) Intentions. The raising of world consciousness may therefore be catalyzed, by those who understand the principles of natural law which can accomplish such an act.           

A shift in the Planetary Mind of this type, will be strongly felt by every living being.   It will similarly elevate all planetary matter, in the form of psychically emanated love and clarity.  A flash point phenomena such as this, will also result in off-world effects.  These will extend themselves outward into space like a radiating light.  The Earth will become a literal spiritual source, a psychic sun of high vibration and Intent, shining brightly on subtle realms. Such a planetary event would be a primary culmination of Earth consciousness, (and human consciousness) in Self Realization.  This is the ultimate aim of all group minds in the universe, in Unity.  It is the primary fulfillment for human existence, and for the whole process of evolution.  May our intentions be joined together, to cooperatively bring greater world enlightenment into fruition…

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com 

The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest 



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