Eternal Solutions for a Temporary Society (Part 1)

The Physical

This article series is dedicated to understanding the many problems we face, as a species and as individuals. It addresses our global society in the context of the new millennium, with an emphasis upon honest evaluation. Are you prepared to be honest? I ask this because the following is not for the weak at heart. What you are about to read is designed to make conscious Masters out of consumers.  It crystallizes the solutions to our problems in the most practical, day-to-day terms.  In order to accomplish this purpose, we must consider the nature of truth itself.  Without acting on truth, there can be no right action.  So before we discuss specific social and personal solutions, let us clarify now what the word “truth” really means;

Truth is eternal, and is the basis for REALITY.  There is no such thing as “creating our own reality” in the most literal sense, other than through psychological delusion. Reality already exists.  Although it is true that we manifest changes in our environment through our intention, those manifestations still occur only by virtue of natural laws.  Reality will continue to exist regardless of what we think of it.  Reality/truth existed prior to human beings, and were we to perish, it would continue to exist for unlimited eons thereafter.

The first and foremost solution to ALL of the world’s ills, is none other than truth itself.  Only IT can provide the way out of the modern crisis facing us all.   The very basis for enlightenment and human progress of all kinds, can be no less than the everlasting truth.  Likewise, no personal problem can be overcome, except through the recognition of the honest truth.

Truth is not a matter of opinion.  In fact, our opinions about the truth are completely irrelevant to how IT functions.  We may BELIEVE anything we wish about any given subject, but this belief does not in itself change reality.  To progress spiritually, each person must eventually realize this, or never significantly progress on the path to greater enlightenment.  Nations must also realize this, or destroy each other through misplaced loyalties and untrue assumptions.

There is only ONE truth, not many, just as there is only one unified entity which is called God, (consciousness).

Truth is a composite of interactive laws, as expressed in Nature.  These are often called “natural laws”, as opposed to those often arbitrary rules and regulations created by human beings.  Examples of natural laws include: inertia, resonance, dissonance, vibration-frequency-wavelength, gravity, spectrums-bands, 2+2=4, diffraction, radiation, polarity, (electron-proton/male-female relationships), convection, mitosis, that consciousness is composed of Intent, Awareness and energy, multi-cellular organization and specialization, photosynthesis, etc…

Truth can be described in various ways, yet any given description has no real bearing on the qualities of existence.  What one may comment about a tree for instance, does not in itself change what TREE IS.  TREE exists as it does, regardless of any commentary or speculation, as does the universe in general.  The same is true of all the forms of nature.  This is why true science and the scientific method is about eliminating bias in the asking of any question.  Bias cannot be completely eliminated until we identify with consciousness rather than thought, (see Part 2 of this article).

Every religion and philosophy has its specific approach, in describing that which is eternal and everlasting.  The same may be said of governments and political parties, learned lecturers and authors, to varying degrees.  The careful observer will note that although almost all religions claim nearly exclusive copyright on their description of truth, these descriptions vary widely. Many of these directly contradict one another.  Simple logic therefore suggests that not all of the assertions of religions or governments can be true.  One might even be so bold as to suggest that ALL religions, governments and philosophies are at least partly untrue, if not almost completely so.  How can this be so, you may ask?  Because humankind went astray from Nature/spirituality and the Truth it reflects, many millennia ago.  This trend has been compounding ever since the beginning of recorded history, (and perhaps before) up until today.  We have the common belief that truth is whatever you happen to make up, or feel comfortable in believing.  Such a view will be the death of human civilization, unparalleled by any other, if it remains unchecked.  It is both the need and responsibility of the spiritual practitioner to ascertain what the universal truth is, and to live by it.  This is not a process of “belief” therefore, but of clarity.

It is popular to refer to “my truth and your truth” as though truth is relative to the individual.  Many use the analogy of the three blind men, who one day touch an elephant.  The one touching the leg declares, “An elephant is sturdy, strong, supple and pillar-like”.  The second upon hearing this while holding a tusk declares, “No you are mostly wrong.  An elephant is strong alright, but very rigid, hard and long”.  The third fool, holding only the elephant’s tail, emphatically denounces both points of view, saying, “the elephant is a spindly, but very agile creature”.  Amazingly, many use the elephant and three blind men analogy, to defend their view that truth is relative to the observer.  For obvious reasons, this thinking is faulty.  It first assumes that human beings are blind, and that they have only one method of determining the whole truth at their disposal.  Second, it assumes that human perception is the epitome of reality, as its very basis of existence.  This is also reflected by the popular question, “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it really make a sound?”  Of course it makes a sound.  Such implied human arrogance is something Nature will not forgive.  Third and most importantly, it denies the essential reality of an elephant from an elephant’s experience.  Very few bother to consult with the elephant as to what an elephant is, just as very few bother to find out what reality is, devoid of any social preconception.

Just like the blind men, our religions and governments argue over minor points of observation, of a much larger picture of God, Nature and Truth. They do this based on past preconceptions rather than through honest clarity.  No one “viewpoint” can sufficiently encompass reality.  We must move all around to see it.  This is why specific beliefs and faith are the curse of the closed mind, whether they are applied to religious views or patriotic flag waving.  We need not BELIEVE in any given thing…we need only See it directly through well focused clarity, and an attitude that Truth is not relative to our personal preferences.  If it were, our very species, our planet, our galaxy and the laws of physics would not exist.

If the reader of these words will not apply the above to themselves, then they will remain lost in the quagmire of society, until such a time as they decide to be completely honest.  All hope of true progress in both self and society in general, is lost until we do so.  Until truth is both acknowledged and applied by the majority, we are just a dead race which is merely waiting for the hour of our demise.  Again I must reemphasize the essential fact that it is does not matter how you react to these words.  What matters is how you apply them, not whether you like them. It is one of the biggest lies of the modern age, and also among the most foolish, to imagine that personal preference and comfort outweigh the eternal.  They do not, and those who think their comfort is supreme, will die a miserable death at the hands of their own ignorance.  So will this modern society as a whole, which also assumes the same thing, until our center-of-the-universe thinking is altered.  Ignorance is not bliss, it is the agony of blindness.

The truth of the modern world is that we have only a limited time left on a finite planet, to remedy our collective madness.  The name of this madness is “materialism, patriotism and consumerism”.  The Earth simply cannot sustain us much longer, especially given our wasteful, war-for-profit and self-indulgent attitude, as a global species.  This is a mathematical certainty, and a natural fact.  You may like to think otherwise, but your belief is just delusion if you imagine that some external force or sheer chance, is going to magically save us from our own self induced peril. Why should it, and what would we learn, finally, if all our mistakes are given absolution?  The child that is so indulged learns to change nothing. Lessons learned are made through taking responsibility for our own actions.  This is a part of why we are here as souls in bodies to start with.  

The present world condition is all the more reason to take your spiritual practice seriously, and to reject the falsehoods of our day, which are peddled unscrupulously in every form of media.  Meditate on this and the essential self that is soul, today.

The Truth about modern society is as follows:
This current materialistic society is not sustainable, and cannot last.  Materialism is a world view which is based upon false assumptions regarding the purpose of life.  It will fall in a very short time, and so will all the delusions contained within it.  Let us identify therefore, with that which is eternal rather than temporary.  The petty concepts of nationality, corporate position, job title, ethnic and cultural identities, impose unnecessary limitations on the potentials of true enlightenment.   They are also simply a threat to our continued survival as a species. The shallow fixations of consumerism upon impractical products, sold for the sake of image rather than usefulness, create nothing but deep dissatisfaction.   Those who wave flags for the sake of petty nations, are suffering from a form of madness which only amnesia can support.  What are we forgetting?  We are forgetting that we are far more than the citizens of nations.  Our true purpose is far greater than the small-minded goals of corrupted governments.  Our true purpose is spiritual, for our true self is that of spirit, (consciousness/soul).  We are not the citizens of nations but the citizens of the same galactic cause.  This is true not only of all people, but of all inhabited planets.  Our true cause is to further evolution and to expand the essential self as consciousness.  Humanity as a species will die if we do not realize this soon, and so will the majority of the life-forms on this planet.

The expansion of consciousness means;

1) self realization as soul, rather than job title, gender, religion, culture or nationality.
2) cultivating one’s state of consciousness through increasing love and clarity, as more important than “achieving your financial goals”
3) meditating upon the watcher within, and recognizing its universal presence in others, and in all of nature.  (We are One)
4) the greater Mastery of Intent as the source of action, the greater  Mastery of Awareness as the source of right focus, and the greater Mastery of Energy, as the source of dynamic health and well directed creativity.
5) the realization of reality as based on truth, and not upon what is imagined or made up, (wise discrimination of what is real and what is not).
6) the embodiment of wisdom by applying truth in daily life, (and in everything one does) as a first priority.
7) The collective cultivation of wisdom as a species, and the creation of a world society based upon spiritual embodiment, rather than just memorized beliefs.

The rest of this article will be dedicated to three distinct areas of self and social improvement.  These three categories are not separate considerations…they enhance each other through that ultimate spiritual purpose, which is the expansion of consciousness.  These three are:

1) The refinement of the physical vehicle.
2) The refinement of the mental vehicle.
3) The refinement of the spiritual vehicle.

Please note the following statistics, in clarifying our problems at the physical level.  Although they are generated from American society, they never the less represent a global trend in all the nations of the world;
(Created by the New Road Map Foundation)
More - is it really better?
In 1992 people were, on average, four-and-a-half times richer 
than their great-grandparents at the turn of the century [7] 
· Compared to their parents in 1950, people in the U.S. in 1991 
owned twice as many cars and drove 2.5 times as far. [8] 
· Amount of time the average working American spent behind the wheel in 1991: 9 hours per week [9] 
· Increase in average daily TV viewing since 1960: 39% [10] 
· American parents spent 40% less time with their children in 1991 than they did in 1965. [11] 
· Employed Americans spent 163 hours more per year on the job in 1991 than they did in 1969. [12] 
· Percentage of college freshmen who reported thinking it is essential to be well off financially: 
1967: 44% 
1987: 76% 
· Median size of a new house built in the U.S.: 
1949: 1,100 sq ft [14] 
1970: 1,385 sq ft [15] 
1993: 2,060 sq ft [16] 
· Residential space per American: 
1950: 312 sq ft 
1993: 742 sq ft [17] 
· Number of Americans with two or more homes in 1991: 10 million 
· Number of homeless Americans in 1991: 
a minimum of 300,000 [16]
How much we waste
The waste generated each year in the U.S. 
would fill a convoy of 10-ton garbage trucks 145,000 miles long -- 
over halfway to the moon. [27] 

· By the time a baby born the United States reaches age 75, he or she will have 
produced 52 tons of garbage, 
consumed 43 million gallons of water 
and used 3,375 barrels of oil. [28] 

· Amount of motor oil sent to landfills or poured down drains in the U.S. each year: 
180 million gallons -- the equivalent of 16 Exxon Valdez spills. [31]

Is our dream a nightmare for the earth?
Since 1940 Americans alone have used up as large a share of the earth's mineral resources as all previous generations put together [47] 
· In the last 200 years the United States has lost: 
50% of its wetlands 
90% of its northwestern old-growth forests 
99% of its tall grass prairie and 
up to 490 species of native plants and animals 
with another 9,000 now at risk [48] 

· Minerals due to run out in 50 years: copper, lead, mercury, nickel, tin and zinc [49] 
· Portion of U.S. water pumped annually from the groundwater supply that is not renewable: one-fifth [50] 
· Amount of rural land in the United States turned over to development every day: 9 square miles [51] 
· Number of acres we blacktop each year:
1.3 million acres (equal to the state of Delaware) [52] 

· Number of acres of cropland we lose to erosion each year: 1 million [53] 
· Per capita American consumption of soft drinks in 1989: 186 quarts 
Per capita American consumption of tap water in 1989: 149 quarts [54] 
· Total energy consumed in producing a 12-ounce can of diet soda: 2,200 Calories 
Total food energy in a 12-ounce can of diet soda: 1 Calorie [55] 
· Within the lifetime of a child born today, virtually all of Earth's petroleum will be burned, 
and Earth' s fuel tank will be empty. [56] 

Is our dream a nightmare for us?
· An American baby born in 1992 inherited a portion of the U.S. government debt equal to: $14,813. That portion continues to grow each year. [61] 

· Average increase in consumer spending when credit cards are used instead of cash: 23% [62] 
· Increase in consumer debt in the 1980s: 140% [63] 
· The typical American household carries $8,570 of non-mortgage personal debt. [64] 
Number of individuals filing for bankruptcy in 1992: 
900,000 -- triple that of 1981 [65]
EcoFuture Home
Materialism has most people believing that “more is better”.  This incredibly shallow life view neglects the essential inner reality.  It ignores the true source of happiness, health, well being, wisdom, intelligence and social harmony.  This wrong view of life is in fact the cause of most, if not all of the wars ever fought, even in the name of religion or government.  The Dollar has become the God of modern choice, and it is a very poor subject of worship.  Yet we go on worshipping it every day for at least 40-50 hours a week, as though making money were the very destiny for which we were born.  Thus the physical world suffers and so do we.  Our bodies are in decay, overstressed, over medicated and over worked, all because of materialism.  This is the first thing we must change…our daily physical routine.  So long as all our time and energy is tied up in worshipping this false God, we can neither develop the mind nor expand our consciousness.  This is especially true given the fact that our motives as a people are heavily influenced by the buy-sell mentality of the mass media.  We end up devoting our entire life energies to an ideal of “success”, which is in Truth nothing of the sort, and which is not even of our own making.  We have become the pawns or slaves if you will, of the Dollar God corporate cult, (consumerism) and so has the rest of the world in the support of the indulgences of the wealthy.   We are expected to believe;

(from chapter 1 of the Survivalist’s Guide in the WMS Library at http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest)
That good living is defined by the amount of money earned.

That the more expensive an object is, the more valuable it is assumed to be.

That the presentation of image is more important than reality.

That success in life is literally defined by money and social position.

That whatever the majority believes as true, defines the nature of Truth itself.

That government, religious institutions and others of “official expertise” know what is right for us, to a degree that is well beyond our own comprehension or experience.

That human kind is above nature and does not need to observe natural laws, but only the laws of its own making.  When an idea is made law then it is instantly justified.  When an idea is made illegal it is instantly disgraced.

That the items to be bought by money are more desirable than what we already possess or can cultivate in our own selves, even more so than spiritual growth, clarity, wisdom, good will, love, happiness or any other natural consideration.

That the public has a general lack of intelligence which makes it incapable of being self governing, which implies that it must be controlled and guided, by propaganda or force of arms if necessary.

All of these beliefs are false, and need to be discarded utterly, as does the society which promotes them.  Along with a change of physical habits then, it is obvious we also need to re-think our mental views on the purpose of life.  At present, Life is seen as something to exploit and use up, as are our fellow human beings.

“The single most important contribution any of us can make to the planet is a return to frugality.” 
-- Robert Muller, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations

To remedy the personal and social problems which materialism creates, our need is to;

1) Return to simplicity and natural ways.  Demanding less of the material world means not having to spend all your time in its accumulation or maintenance.  Live a simple life of few possessions.   Do not contribute to those applications of science, industry or government, which go against the methods/laws of nature.  Employ alternative energy sources, whenever possible.
2) Treat the body with care and refine it through natural means, such as aerobic exercise outdoors.  Spend plenty of time in natural settings and let nature purify every part of your being.  Eat healthy foods and take herbal remedies, rather than prescription medications in all but extreme cases.  Let the body advise the mind as a wise councilor of what is needed moment to moment.  The feelings inside the body are indicative of many things…they tell us of the true intent of others, how to maintain optimum health, and what states of consciousness are best to hold. [Use the mind to guide the body out of artificial cravings, which are themselves usually the result of a wrong life focus and emotional imbalance.]  The body is also “mind” in that it possesses intelligence, wisdom and consciousness.
3) Work to live, rather than living to work.  Work is not the purpose of life, the expansion of consciousness is.  Earn only enough to have the practical daily necessities, so as to have the maximum amount of free time for self development, (spiritual progress).
4) Regard material things as a spiritual tool, rather than using spiritual tools to accumulate material things, (as is popular today).  This is a matter of priority, which comes back to honestly valuing truth first, in daily life.
5) Develop communities and ultimately a world society that values the natural over the artificial.  Grow food organically, using natural pest reduction.  Work for nature and natural laws, and they will work for you.  
6)  We cannot outdo the design of Nature, but we can work with it to create a utopian world.

Matthew Webb
Founder of The World Mind Society (http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest)*

*Suggested reading regarding the above 6 items; The Survivalist’s Guide for the New Millennium in the WMS Library

 by John Robbins, founder of EarthSave International,

Approximately 6,000 people perished in the September 11th attacks . . . But those who died from the attacks on that tragic day were not alone. 

On September 11th, 35,000 children worldwide died of hunger. A similar number of children died on September 12th, and again on the 13th, and on every single day since then. 

Meanwhile, we in the U.S. feed 80% of our grain harvest to livestock so that a people whose cholesterol levels are too high can have cheap meat. To advance human security and control terrorism, we must not only find the brutality of the September 11th attacks to be totally intolerable. We must also find intolerable that one billion people worldwide struggle to survive on $1 a day, that more than one billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and that 3 billion people have inadequate access to sanitation. If we are serious about stopping terrorism, then our goal must be to reduce the level of pollution, fear, and poverty in the world. 

The cost of our initial military response will easily top $100 billion (on top of our already enormous annual defense budget of $342 billion). 

What could we accomplish if we spent even a small fraction of that much on programs to alleviate human suffering? In 1998, the United Nations Development Program estimated that it would cost an additional $9 billion (above current expenditures) to provide clean water and sanitation for everyone on earth. 

It would cost an additional $12 billion, they said, to cover reproductive health services for all women worldwide. Another $13 billion would be enough not only to give every person on Earth enough food to eat but also basic health care. An additional $6 billion could provide basic education for all. These are large numbers, but combined they add up to $40 billion - - only one fifth as much as the $200 billion the U.S. government agreed in October 2001 to pay Lockheed to build new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) jets. 

What if we were equally as dedicated to eradicate hunger, to provide clean water, to defeat infectious disease, to provide adequate jobs, to combat illiteracy, and to end homelessness? What if we understood that, today, there is no such thing as national security as long as the basic human needs of large portions of humanity are not met?" 

For further suggested reading...

Matthew Webb
The World Mind Society (http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest)


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