The following is a list of terms used within the WMS library.  This compilation will prove useful to the student of these and related teachings, in the ready clarification of many concepts, especially since some are unique to the WMS system, and others are slightly re-defined.



ALIGNMENT;  The act and state of establishing a resonant unity of consciousness, generating psychic connection.

AREA OF EFFECT;  The scope, dimension and location of a psychic effect.  The scope of a psychic effect created by one or more practitioners.

AWARENESS;  One of the three components of consciousness, and second most causal, providing cohesion for units of Energy in a given pattern, at the direction of intent.

AWARENESS OF AWARENESS;  That state which is the focus of Awareness upon itself, resulting in enhanced clarity.  A state which is the goal and result of mediation.


BODY/MIND;  A term denoting the inherent unity of the body and mind as a single, interdependent phenomena of human existence.



CHAKRA;  Seven in number, these Energy centers of the physical, (and energetic) body function as psychic portals to the world at large.  Elements of bodywide personal consciousness, coordinating both physical and energetic properties of the body/mind.

CHI;  The Energy or life force possessed by the physical and Energetic bodies, that is coordinated by the chakras.  The Energy which animates all universal forms at the subatomic level of existence.

CONSCIOUSNESS;  The primary causal force in all universal action and manifestation.  That ultimate cause in nature, composed of Energy, Awareness and Intent, which is responsible for the ways and means by which all forms are generated.  SEE GOD

CONSCIOUSNESS EXPANSION;   The process of the greater self realization of Energy, Awareness and Intent as they are found throughout the universe and the self alike.  The means by which greater mastery is directly achieved, representing the purpose of life, and the focus underlying all of existence.

CONTEMPLATION;  That practice of inner focus which is used to explore any subject to greater depths of personal realization.

CORDS;  Psychic connections with others, developed and strengthened over time, and intensity of mutual emotion.


DISSONANCE;  The phenomena of vibrational discord, especially in the psychic relations between people.  The mutual psychic interference of mind to mind with deleterious results.


EARTHMIND;  The group mind conglomerate entity of the Earth, as a sum total.  The residing consciousness of the Earth whose composition is a synthesis of all natural plants, animals, minerals and atmospheric elements, not including the majority of humanity.  That intelligent and guiding consciousness of our planetary body, which has coordinated the evolution of biological forms, and natural phenomena.

EARTH STEWARDS;  Keepers of the Earth and Earth consciousness for the welfare of the planetary body.  Earthmind coordinators who have expertise in rendering psychic effects on a large scale basis.

EGO;  That fear based and unnatural aberration of mind which arises to protect personal integrity in a hostile environment.  A psychological disease based upon memory and arbitrary assumptions, which is a cause of all the continuing imbalances in human society.

ELEMENTS OF CONSCIOUSNESS:  The primary fundamental avenues through which the expansion of consciousness occurs.  Being six in number, these elements of meditational focus combine to elevate the individual and any collective;  1) clarity,  2) vibration,  3) Energy,  4) right alignment,  5) right action/right Intent,  6) expansion.

EMPLOYMENT OF INTENT;  The active application of Intent by the practitioner to cause desired effects on both a personal and environmental basis.


ENERGY BODY;  That aspect of the self which is primarily concerned with action taken on the subtle, pre-material realms of existence.  The Energetic body in the human being which closely parallels the physical form, but which coordinates the chakras, and psychic action.

ENLIGHTENMENT; A term which refers to the continuous process of personal unfoldment, in the expansion of consciousness.  A state of being which recognizes truth to be the guiding factor of life, and which embodies the principles of natural law that compose it.

EVOLUTION;  The process of the refinement of consciousness into higher forms, via biological, and non-biological means.  The purpose of life and humanity.

EXPANSION;  That aspect of consciousness which concerns itself with the process of extending the parameters of a given mindstate or psychic manifestation.


FIELD(S) AT LARGE;  The surrounding psychic field(s).  A generic term used to refer to the psychic environment of the Earthmind and/or the Worldmind in general.



GOD;  That all-pervading universal force in and of all things which coordinates evolution.  The universal Will behind all manifestation, natural laws and phenomena, composed of Energy, Awareness and Intent.  The collective group mind intelligence of the manifest and unmanifest cosmos, composed of consciousness.

GROUP MIND;  A phenomena and principle of nature that is the joining of constituent elements of consciousness into cohesive systems, whose whole is geometrically greater than the sum of its parts.  The synthesis of member minds in psychic alignment, which acts in entity-like fashion above and beyond those members.  SEE EARTHMIND and WORLDMIND

GROUP MIND PRINCIPLE;  A group mind is that synthesis of Energies, Awarenesses, and Intents of component individuals into an expanded whole, that is geometrically greater than the sum of its parts, as factored by the number and level of consciousness of its comprising individuals.


INTELLIGENCE;  The capacity to create constructively for the purpose of evolutionary gain.  The ability to recognize that which is useful and that which is not, in the creation of internal and external change.  Degree of sophistication in the manipulation of fact and materials on a progressive basis.

INTENDING INTO PLACE;  The act of generating effects in the self or in the environment through the employment of Intent.

INTENT;  The singlemost causal agency in all action, creation, destruction and change at all levels of existence.  That component of consciousness which gives rise to all forms.  The means by which the Will of God and Natural Law is manifest.  The essence and source of motivation.

INTENT AT LARGE;  Intent as it exists in the environment, as a function of the group mind(s) prevalent there.  The Intent inherent in the fields at large, which coordinates their organization and composition, to manifest the various forms of nature.  The motivating force in the fields at large which compose the Earthmind and the Worldmind.

INTONATION;  The act of creating sustained pitches of sound with the voice as a meditational device.  A practice which can be used to augment the employment of Intent, to increase the cohesiveness of an intentionally formed group mind, and/or to purify the chakras.


KUNDALINI;  The phenomena and system of yoga which is dedicated to the raising of 1st chakra chi to the higher chakras for the purpose of consciousness expansion.

KARMA;  The law of cause and effect, which reflects personal and collective actions in like kind, back to their originators.  The manifestations brought about in life as a result of the type of Intent employed.



LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS;  The endless and progressively higher plateaus of Intent, Awareness and Energy which result in the enhanced ability for progressive/right action.  Plateaus of sentience in ascending succession, whose states of being are ever closer to, and of God.  On a personal level, the greater realms/degrees of self realization in consciousness and their embodiment.

LEVELS OF INTENT;  That which determines level of consciousness as it manifests in an individual or group of individuals.  The ascending order of higher Intentions which act to promote the Will of God/Nature at more inclusive levels of greater benefit.  On the personal level, the degree of embodied realization of God/Nature as employed moment to moment.

LOVE;   The unifying agent of universal design, which is based upon the Intent of best benefit to all, as well as high vibrational states.  A mutuality of appreciation in the common recognition of Oneness.  That inherent quality of existence whose depth of feeling liberates and inspires spiritual revelation.  SEE VIBRATION


MANIFESTATION;  the act or product of bringing about change through the direction of consciousness.

MASTER;  A practitioner who has embodied a certain minimum threshold in the expansion of consciousness.  An individual wholly and permanently identified with consciousness, the soul and right Intent/action.  A spiritual administrator whose primary focus is the promulgation and manifestation of enlightenment.

MASTERY;  The acquisition or the process of acquiring proficiency in an aspect of spiritual practice.

MEDITATION;  The practice of inner focus which renders the state of Awareness of Awareness.  A sustained personal or group focus for the purpose of rendering specific effects in the self or in the environment.

MODE;  the specific manner in which the mind is currently run.  SEE SOFTWARE FOR THE MIND

MUTUAL PSYCHIC AUGMENTATION;  (MPA) An act of Intending into place the mutual expansion of consciousness in a reciprocating manner.  The mutual manifestation of spiritual Intent between two or more practitioners.


NATURAL LAW(S);  Naturally occurring principles of existence which regulate the manner in which manifestation occurs.  Those parameters of Nature/God which channel material existence in universally consistent ways to facilitate evolution.  The Will of God as the determiner for the ways and means of creation, in which consciousness is expanded.

NATURAL MIND;  The inherent human state of mind which accurately reflects natural intelligence, wisdom and purity of being.  That state which is a pure conduit for the soul and Earthmind influence.

NATURE;  That inherently intelligent collection of forces, (natural laws) and manifestations, (life forms) which act to evolve consciousness through matter.


PRACTITIONER;  One who is involved in this system of consciousness expansion, for the evolution of self and humanity.  Any student or teacher of spiritual practice who earnestly seeks the embodiment of truth as a focus of daily living.


PREVAILING PSYCHIC CONDITIONS;  The psychic attributes of a surrounding field at large, of a given time and place.

PRINCIPLE;  A universal law of nature which guides the manner in which the universe functions.  A consistent parameter in which the forces of nature are manifest.  An unchanging fact, which composes a facet of truth.


PSYCHIC FEEDBACK;  The phenomena of found in the reflection of the practitoner’s own state of consciousness back to themselves, usually in an amplified form, from the environment. 

PSYCHIC GRAVITY;  The psychic attraction rendered by group minds upon smaller groups individuals, compelling them to conform to the majority intention.

PSYCHIC PHENOMENA;  All those attributes and characteristic effects of consciousness on other centers of consciousness.  That principle in nature of unified field interaction, which facilitates direct body to body and mind to mind connection.  All manifestations of mind force such as telepathy, thoughtforms, group mind effects, etc.


PSYCHIC RECIPROCATION;  The effect reflected back to the practitioner from the Intent at large, as determined by their employment of personal Intent.  A karmic unified field phenomena, which is the reflection of a given person's consciousness and its attributes back to them in the form of the same, or similar states. SEE KARMA

PURITY OF INTENT;  The state and employment of Intent, that is in accord with natural law, and spiritual ministry.  A personal or group mindstate that acts in accord with the Will of God/evolution.


RAISING ONE'S STATE;  the act of a practitioner who through the employment of intent, expands their own consciousness.  Also known simply as “raising”.

RAISING THE WORLD;  that Intent employed, and psychic action taken by an individual or group to expand world consciousness.  The Intentional expansion of the Worldmind.

RESONANCE;  The principle of natural law which relates to that degree of alignment of two or more centers of consciousness with one another  The vibrational synchronicity of two or more centers of consciousness.  SEE ALIGNMENT

RIGHT ALIGNMENT;  One of the six elements of consciousness expansion, which is the act of establishing resonance with the highest spiritual sources, (God, the Earthmind, Nature and the soul) for the purpose of gaining their influence

RIGHT INTENT/ACTION;  One of the six elements of consciousness expansion.  The practice and manifestation of the principles of natural law, with purity of Intent.  Action which is in accord with the objectives of evolution.


SEE, (or SEEINGNESS);  That ability of consciousness which is capable of perceiving the essential truth of any question or circumstance.  Clarity of perception, and the capability to distill the principles of natural law from observations of the self and the environment

SELF KNOWLEDGE;  Intimate understanding of internal processes of consciousness and its purpose at all levels of the self from body and mind to soul.  Comprehension of the true self.

SELF MASTERY;  The application of self knowledge in consciousness which renders the progressive ability for right action and desired personal changes at will.  That state of spiritual attainment which reflects an of the embodiment of truth in daily living.

SELF REALIZATION;  The progressive experiential comprehension of the self as consciousness, as soul and of God.  SEE SELF MASTERY

SOFTWARE FOR THE MIND;  Those modes of mental function which enhance manifest intelligence and wisdom in the individual, as follows;  1. truthfulness,  2.  efficiency,  3.  progressiveness, 4. practicality, 5. spiritual intent,  6. logic, 7. honesty, 8.  prioritization,  and  9.  simplicity.

SOUL;  That underlying foundation of human existence which is the true self as pure consciousness.   The conserving agency of life and afterlife which preserves the lessons learned through various incarnations, for the purpose of gaining greater enlightenment.

SPIRIT;  A non-incarnated soul.  A term synonymous with the Intent at large.  SEE SOUL, GOD

SPIRITUAL INTENT;  That Intent held by the practitioner which seeks the greatest enlightenment for the greatest number.  Action in accord with spiritual ministry.  One of the eight modes of software for the mind.

SPIRITUAL MINISTRY;  The practice of acting upon truth as the highest priority in accord with natural law for the purpose of the best benefit for all.  A way of living adopted by the practitioner which serves truth and God and which promotes these in society.

SPIRITUAL PRACTICE;  Any personal lifestyle based on right Intent/action in which cultivates the expansion of consciousness.   SEE SPIRITUAL MINISTRY

STATE;  A term which refers to the quality and type of consciousness currently held by a given person, group or field at large.




THOUGHTFORM;  An image or images held in the mind of a practitioner which aids in the manifestation of Intent.  An agency of psychic effect which exists and takes form on the pre-physical realms of existence, which acts in accord with the Intent of its creator(s).

THRESHOLD;  The period of transition between one state of consciousness and another.


TRUTH;  That which is universally and at all times the determining basis for the reality of existence.  Factuality, and the which exists regardless of view point or relative opinion.  The essence of natural law and its principles.


UNIFIED FIELD;  The universal phenomena described by physics which demonstrates the connectivity of all matter and Energy via the medium of pre-physical existence.  The scientific model which accounts for the actions of consciousness and its psychic effects.



VIBRATION;  One of the six elements of consciousness expansion.  The height of spiritual resonance/feeling one may assume to varying degrees.


WILL;  The personal aspect of Intent.  SEE INTENT

WILL OF GOD;  The directives or principles of natural law and universal intelligence which shape all manifestation.  The Intent of the universe at large, as the force of all prevailing consciousness which guides evolution.  SEE GOD

WISDOM; That progressive attribute of enlightenment which embodies the understanding of natural laws and their right application.  The director of intelligence which gives worthy purpose to sheer ability.  The personal attribute which accounts for the recognition and employment of right Intent/action.

WORLD MIND;  The planet wide group mind of humanity as a species.  The currently ego-based collective consciousness of humanity, whose focus is primarily upon unnatural aims.

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com 

The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest



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