Hill of Power Experience

Tuesday April 20th, 2004

Today as the weather cleared for the first time in over ten days, I resolved early to go to a nearby hilltop lookout, there to gain power as I have before. The view from this spot is truly breathtaking. It reveals other forested hills like this one rising some 1500 feet above sea level. To the south there is a valley clearing bordered by thick bushes, split into two divisions by a hill somewhat smaller than the one I visit, topped by grey, weathered stone. To the west is the barely visible Pacific Ocean with tiny offshore islands and foggy mist. To the north are other hills of even greater elevation than these, though they have been logged within the last decade. To the east is an expanse of endless hills, through which the white water of a rushing river can be seen but not heard. The weather was mild and a slight breeze blew through last Autumns’ leaves.

I chose on this occasion a spot to the left of the summit. It was a rocky slope of small trees with bushes interspersed with grey stone and veins of quartz. Pink rhododendron blossoms accentuated the dark green of small cedar trees. There I began a meditation using the Sacred Herb very successfully for about 2 hours. The resulting state was so satisfying that I hardly noticed the passage of time, were it not for the movement of the sun overhead. I drew chi from intermittent sunlight, and then there was a sharp increase of feeling in my 3rd and 4th chakras, which I recognized as a “threshold” of consciousness suddenly crossed. My vibration had risen tremendously, and I attributed this partly to the Suns’ influence, and partly to the local Earth consciousness, which could be clearly felt in all directions. I was immediately compelled to reach out with my awareness first to the Sun, then to the Earth, and then a combination of the two. My souls’ inner voice summarized the needed intent by saying simply, “Sun raises Earth”, Earth raises Sun”. This meant extending my then expanded state of consciousness to that radiant center of consciousness we call, “Sol” and then to the planetary group mind known as the, “Earth Mind”, simultaneously.

The thoughtform that spontaneously arose from that intention was the forming of an energetic corridor between those two bodies via myself, on the basis of my high state. Once the three-way psychic connection was made, I simply INTENDED, “best spiritual benefit” be manifest to and from, “all parties” using that state. This energetic corridor was tube-like, and formed an enormous, perfectly straight pathway from Earth to Sun, with a diameter roughly that of Australia. I did not create this visualization beforehand through mental decision or process. It simply popped into my mind intuitively and fully formed as described, and it was clearly my state at that moment which triggered the process.

The “tube” first connected with the Sun, and I thereby gained a super-burst of solar chi that infused every particle of my being with a feeling of vitality and strength. The chi also came with an extraordinarily high vibration attached to it. It was as though, as on countless occasions previously, my intent first makes contact with the Sun and the Sun "reciprocates" with a state of like kind. [The reader may draw what conclusion they will from this, but in my repeated experience, the Sun possesses a form of consciousness that is, under the right conditions, (intention) "responsive". I do not wish to "personify" unduly, but this fact can be validated by any meditator]. Be it noted that all matter/energy has some degree of consciousness associated with it, including moons, planets, stars and even larger bodies. There is even consciousness, (God Force) to be found in atoms and sub-atomic particles. It is therefore perfectly possible as well as demonstrable, that such celestial bodies can be "aligned with" psychically, which is to say, "spiritually tuned in on". This is best done by dynamic feelings throughout the body.

As I focused my dynamic, high state upon the solar mind, its’ reciprocating intent entered me almost immediately. At this point I felt intuitively compelled to align the mutual high, (the Sun and I) with the consciousness of the Earth Mind. This attempt was almost immediately successful within seconds. The "God Force" or consciousness of my soul/body, the Earth and the Sun, then formed a three-way intent of raising and "being high" together. [Years ago such events would have still surprised me, for they seem an illogical event from the standpoint of the Western Mind. However, elements of this account are not at all unknown in shamanism, Gnostic Christianity, Mystical Sufism, or ancient Vedic practices, as well as certain martial arts.] Such abilities in the wise coordination of consciousness, I realized finally, is one of the very purposes for which we human beings were evolved by this planetary Mind, (God Force) which we now inhabit.

Thus, as I projected or “cast” consciousness raising intention to both the Earth and Sun, (for about 30-60 seconds) I was struck by a very notable concentration of Earth Mind presence in the local area. For a moment I had the tendency to be skeptical about such perceptions, “just to make sure” they were accurate. [I am of course aware of the possibility to intuit an event incorrectly, and always check intuition with repeated experiment and logic so as to avoid self-delusion. However I did not at all feel these perceptions to be in any way delusional, even after repeated observations, nor did logic suggest otherwise according to the knowledge I’ve gained over the years.] The feelings were rather unmistakable, and yet I still felt some degree of doubt. One reason for this is that when psychic connections of such intensity arise, they can be quite immense and rather disorienting. In other words, such matters are still almost too large for my usual mind to assimilate. I became reminded of this inadequacy as in times of the recent past, and intended more clarity in my sixth chakra, [forehead region]. This was intermittently successful and I DID raise my consciousness greatly once again, finding no flaws in my earlier conclusions.

After some minutes I found these psychic/spiritual exertions to be momentarily tiresome, so I sat down on a nearby rock at my feet. Almost as soon as this occurred, I looked out over the lush valleys and folded hills some ten miles in all southerly directions. A most notable “apparition” if you will then arose, and I assume it took the form it did so that my small human mind could relate to it. I beheld what might be called, “a thought-form of the Earth Mind” that was created for my reception. There first appeared lines of sparkling force running in various directions, whose ephemeral image was superimposed over the physical trees as a criss-crossed landscape. After about 30 seconds of this, there appeared about two thirds of the way up the hillside to my immediate right, directly facing my line of sight, a large, roughly human face. It was perhaps 50 yards square. The face was vaguely female with an intensity of stare and subtle expression which responded, or changed I realized, in small degrees to every subtle shift of my own consciousness, body-wide. With each subtle shift there was a subtle change of expression, and in moments of higher states it’s form looked more receptive. I could clearly feel the presence of the Earth Mind under my feet more intensely, and to a lesser extent, everywhere in all directions. This presence or set of feelings was also very strongly concentrated or focalized around the face itself, which then had the most intense “gaze” toward me. To be honest I was frankly thrilled from a spiritual viewpoint, and a little terrified in the psychological perspective. [My mind and soul are not yet always in accord]

I realized all this while staring fixedly at the face as a whole. Then I decided it would be a good idea to raise my intent once more, re-initiating the, “all benefit at all levels” type of focus. This intent was immediately successful, for I gained a great feeling-clarity wave of reciprocating intent from the Earth Mind. At that moment I knew with absolute certainty that the Earth consciousness and I stood together for exactly the same cause, which is the attainment of greater evolution, and the raising of consciousness to gain that evolution. It is hard to overemphasize from these and many other experiences, that INTENT is the primary focus in the raising of personal or environmental consciousness. I am constantly reminded of this almost every day. Feeling the weight of some un-named responsibility, I made my best efforts over the period of the following hour to progressively raise, [intended to elevate] all the feeling-intent elements throughout my body. I also raised those in the environment to the best of my ability. Perhaps needless to say, such events prompt me to elevate the standing assumptions from which I operate my daily life.

During this hour the “face” and its’ presence became even more intense and prominent, especially when I employed specific intentions. My Earth Mind alignments increased in every portion of my being. I reveled in an ecstatic flow of fulfillment, strength and clarity of astonishing proportions. I SAW at the same time many things about society and its associated World Mind, [collective consciousness of humanity]. Yet even these revelations did not surpass the sweetness or scope of feeling I felt in every cell, tissue, organ and even atom of my entire body. Waves of bliss occasionally swept through me from head to toe. Feelings of incredible strength and even great Attainment caused me to swoon with the intensity of the moment. At one point I felt on the verge of great powers and revelations, and these clearly had their source in the intimate connection to the Earth Mind presence before me. There arose the distinct impression, as a feeling of absolute certainty, that the Earth Mind wanted and wants me to progress spiritually, and to fulfill my purpose in expanding consciousness on this planet and in this body. In fact, this is the reason Earth Intelligence evolved human beings to start with. I also realized that such expansion of consciousness is in part at least, the mission of every soul. Just as I had raised the Solar and Earth consciousness with the intent of their best benefit, so too was the Earth Mind now raising me with an intention of like kind.

At about that moment, three vultures were drifting about in unison, in the rising air currents through the small valley below. As they flew, they formed a nearly perfect triangle in the air. I psychically felt that these birds were also filled at that moment with Earth Mind force and power, and that their presence had auspicious meaning. The message that came into my mind upon realizing this, was that this triangle represented spiritual initiation.

From such revelations my mind veered this way and that through sheer amazement, much like an over-domesticated animal might do after being suddenly set free in some open meadow. Great clarity possessed my mind. I peered with absolute fixity and dread fascination upon comprehending various depths of the modern condition. I SAW that most if not all of this condition, (the sufferings of man) is totally self-induced. The root of all our problems, or evils if you will, are based primarily on being disconnected with nature and its attendant well-being. We long for our lost and naked vitality, feeling with gusto the force of air and sun upon our bodies. We seek to live yet again the contentment of wholeness that is the natural birthright of every natural being, to feel the earth under bare feet, absorb the singing of birds in our very bones and commune with the depths of silent roots. If modern science wants to REALLY know the cure for cancer and a host of other ills, then they must recognize that THIS is a large part of it. I was told in no uncertain terms, that it would be of extra-ordinary medical benefit for most people to expose their unclothed bodies to earth, clean, flowing water and particularly, direct sunlight.

These realizations and others about humanity had me inevitably evaluating my own life. I immediately took off my sandals and then all clothes, to feel firsthand such advice as it had been sagely given. I DID feel tremendously better in seconds and saw the truth of this advice in terms of feelings body wide. However, my Seeings of the modern condition started to pull me in and absorb my awareness, or rather, I was beginning to let them do so. In fact, I started to psychically re-connect with that pain and fear which are so prevalent in modern society. I also sometimes get rather “overcome” with these gaining-of-power sessions, and do sometimes battle fear, thinking that such matters are simply too big for me. But I came ready for this, having learned from previous experiences, and countered with an unbending intent of raising and well focused clarity. By that time however, I had lost about 80 percent of the power of my original state of consciousness. The “face” on the hillside was nowhere to be seen, and no matter how I looked at that configuration of trees and bushes where it had once been, I saw no natural resemblance to anything “face-like”. The tube-like thoughtform from Earth to Sun had all but shaken out of phase and dissolved, since I had not been dedicated enough to maintaining its’ existence. This is typical of thoughtforms. They need regular re-enforcement or they will simply dissipate like clouds on a hot day.

My body started to feel rather unstable. Exhausted, I felt the uncomfortable edges of rocks under my feet, waiting for my consciousness to fall back to a more normal state. It did fall, but not all the way, as I gazed across the miles of treetops and distant hills. I sat upon my rock and regrouped, taking a moment for, “a warriors pause” so as to absorb the implications of these events. White clouds drifted silently through the sky, while distant birds called out over the open valley.

At first I thought the experience had run its’ course, but after only a few moments of silent repose and one more small puff, my energy was re-gathering. Somewhat surprised, I took this as a good sign and meditated further to see what might happen next. My intuition indicated that I should again cast high intent, so I visualized a three mile diameter sphere wherein, “the best spiritual benefit” could be projected. This again caused immediate psychic reciprocation to be returned to me from the Earth. Then, almost as abruptly, my state faltered again. “Psychic fatigue” as I call it was definitely setting in.

However, I still had strong psychic connections with the local Earth consciousness even at a mental, (6th chakra) level, which is rather unheard-of in my personal experience. Then something else occurred that was quite unexpected and rather unique. Specific words appeared in my mind, coupled with a “meaningful presence” that conveyed what I would have to call, “good wishes and the intent for spiritual advancement”. The words appeared clearly as though spoken aloud, yet very rapidly in short bursts. Oddly enough, each burst of words coincided with certain small sounds in some nearby bushes, within five feet of my legs. I thought this too strange to be related and dismissed it as simple coincidence. The first message accompanied by subtle rustling of leaves, comprised this meaning; “I AM HERE”. My average mind resisted this, calling it probable folly or imagination. But then more rustling occurred and the following message appeared to my mind to the effect of; “I AM EARTH CONSCIOUSNESS IN THIS MESSENGER. THE LIZARD IS OMEN AND EMISSARY”. My mind said, “this surely cannot be here and now” and I had yet to see any lizard. Then more rustling occurred, and sure enough a lizard head appeared between the low branches of a bush, not more than two feet from my left foot.. As I looked between its branches, there was the lizard watching me fixedly. Another message appeared in my mind and said, “YES IT CAN BE, I AM HERE”. My mind was astounded by the lizard but was still wondering if this was just more coincidence. Another rustle of movement and the lizard was no longer visible, but the psychic message was; “I WILL SHOW YOU THIS IS MUCH MORE THAN COINCIDENCE”.

Rustling noises on leaves and small twigs appeared then to my left, about two feet away. I slowly turned my head to look, not wanting to scare whatever it was away. I couldn’t see anything though my feelings told me it WAS the lizard, and that its’ intent was to circle me. I dismissed that thought as improbable. Even so, I waited expectantly to see what would happen, assuming the sounds would soon turn away and diminish. But the rustling of leaves did not turn away, nor did they diminish. Every 30 seconds or so the noises would occur and then stop, coinciding with those jerky motions that lizards are known for. I kept feeling more and more surprised by this, regardless of the earlier events of the day. Sounds of rustling leaves now appeared directly behind me, and could not have been more than six or 12 inches away. I sat with expectation, feeling strong Earth Mind presence in all directions, but still having some doubt. A moment of fear moved through my body, but I sent it away with an intent to stay receptive even at a psychic level. I’m usually not approached THIS closely by skittish and wild animals I thought to myself. Then I got another message; “I AM HERE IN THIS CONDUIT. CONTINUE SENDING RAISING INTENT AND I WILL RECIPROCATE. My mind whispered, “surely not”, and the answer was; “WHEN I MOVE ONTO YOUR LEG, IT WILL SIGNIFY THE REALITY OF THIS”.

I raised again, intoned different notes and drew in chi. Then something lightly touched the outside of my right thigh, and I almost jumped. These were lizard feet! The lizard crawled in jerky motion across my lap and then rested upon my left knee. There, as if to prove the point, it stared me in the eye and the vibe-message that came through our meeting gaze was this; “I AM HERE. PERSEVERE IN SUCH INTENTIONS WITH ME, (and be my ally).

I was feeling quite honored, while the same time suffering somewhat under the tremendous wake of responsibility and accountability, that such an alignment must consist of. Nevertheless, I sent raising intent to the lizard messenger and its Earth Mind puppeteer. The high state that resulted was profound, though once again psychic fatigue was setting in. I reprimanded myself for this, and for indulging in old feeling patterns and fears as a fallback position of “safety”. At least twenty minutes later the lizard was still perched atop my knee, always staring me in the eye, exuding an immense presence about 1000 times greater in intensity than should a creature of such diminutive stature. It was extremely obvious that there was something flowing through the lizard that was far greater than its’ own normal degree of awareness. Through all of this I attempted to raise again and again, but was losing some ground spiritually and psychically. I could feel a lowering of energy body wide. I was reminded due to this, of the continuing need to gain more personal power and naturalness. Meanwhile, the lizard-messenger had crawled down my shin and now sat on my left foot, with its front feet placed on the base of my big and first toe. There it stayed for another 15 minutes or so, while I made adjustments and purifications to my chakras. It was then I noticed the feelings of intensity and even calm healing “heat”, where the lizards right foot rested upon a spot on my big toe. The intuitive message that then appeared in my mind, (source unknown, but probably my soul) said; “You are being aided, and that placement, (of the foot) facilitates this”.

Then some moments later the lizard suddenly jumped off my foot and moved rapidly into the bushes from which it came. I did not see or hear it again. I pondered this for a moment and wondered if I’d been abandoned for having some indiscreet intention. At that precise moment however, I heard another rustle of leaves about four feet to my right. I turned and saw that it was another lizard! At that moment it looked at me in the eye from its perch atop a small rock, sending this psychic message; “I AM HERE, YOU ARE NOT ABANDONED”. It then proceeded to crawl rapidly over my discarded pants, coming closer and closer. It climbed the rock upon which I sat and touched me on the leg, at almost the same spot as the earlier one had, and then returned rapidly to the rocks toward the west.

The whole experience has shown me the depths of Earth consciousness, which Western thought completely underestimates. There IS without doubt a deep intelligence flowing through nature. This intelligence can actually be interacted with on a progressive basis!

I now more fully understand the source and nature of what are called, “omens”. Omens are merely the use of “vehicles” or “messengers” by the consciousness at large, (God Force). Usually these messengers are animals, (to a lesser extent objects and unusual events) since they are the most responsive and adaptable vehicles to be “used” by this force, for whatever purpose is deemed suitable, (usually spiritual revelation). Sometimes people are used this way but they are generally unaware of the fact, or to put that another way, their social training does not allow them to be.

Since that time earlier today, I’ve taken the advice of the Earth and not worn anything on my feet. Upon returning the 3 miles to camp, I slowly walked for a long while with notebook in hand. Despite my fatigue, I enthusiastically wrote these 14 consecutive [handwritten] pages within the space of two hours.


World Mind Society teachings, by Matthew Webb, visionquest@eoni.com .

For supplemental reading these can be found at the http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest Library.

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